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1. 拉卜楞寺: 是甘南地区最大的藏传佛教寺院,建筑群气势恢宏,寺内珍藏有大量珍贵的宗教文物和艺术珍品。

2. 郎木寺: 有“藏语文化活化石”之称,寺内珍藏有大量的佛教经典和文物,同时也是摄影爱好者的天堂。

3. 扎尕那: 被誉为“中国的羚羊谷”,是一处神秘的自然地理奇观,绝壁峡谷、奇峰异石、彩色岩层构成了扎尕那的独特景观。

4. 祁连山脉: 以其独特的地质地貌和高山草甸而闻名,是众多登山和徒步爱好者的天堂。







Survey of the area austral pleasant

Gan Na is located in Chinese the Gansu Province, it is the brim region of ministry of Qinghai-Tibet Platean southeast, be known as " China's final Sukhavati " , with its distinctive Cang Chuanfo teachs culture, gallant nature scene and rich folk-custom amorous feelings and famed.

Optimal travel time

The area austral pleasant is located in highland, climate presents an apparent downy season ethos to await a characteristic, summertime climate is cool, it is first-rate travel season, came in June especially between September, climate is delightful, the flowers and plants on the prairie is exuberant, suit travel very much sightseeing and outdoors and expeditionary.

Main tourist attraction is recommended

1.Pull Bo Lengsi: It is the area austral pleasant the biggest Cang Chuanfo teachs fane, build group of imposing manner extensive grand, the collect carefully inside the temple has a large number of precious religion cultural relic and artistic curiosity.

2.Man wood temple: Have " stone of activation of Tibetan language culture " say, the collect carefully inside the temple has many buddhism classical with cultural relic, also be the heaven of photography lover at the same time.

3.Zagana: Be known as " antelope cereal of China " , it is the physical geography marvellous spectacle that is in mystery, terrane of stone of different of bluff gorge, strange peak, color formed distinctive landscape of Zagana.

4.A surname connects a mountain chain: Famed with its distinctive geological landforms and high mountain meadow, it is the heaven of numerous mountain-climbing and pedestrian lover.

Characteristic cate is recommended

The cate of the area austral pleasant is a delegate with wine of yak flesh, highland barley and crisp tea-oil tree, the characteristic cate that tastes surely among them includes yak flesh hand to catch tea with milk of goods of fermented glutinous rice of bait, highland barley, butter to wait, let you sampling cate while, also appreciate dietary culture of place.

The trip is little stick person

When visitting the area austral pleasant, because be located in highland, proposal tourist does what good highland reacts to be on guard measure, if rest appropriately, compensatory moisture, prevent bask in etc. Additional, the religion that respects place is consuetudinary zephyr common, also be very important.

In Gannade the area travels, the natural view that you appreciate organic meeting former zoology and deep humanitarian accumulate, also can experience at the same time those who be different from a city is halcyon with indifferent to fame or benefit. The travel of the Gan Na that hopes this strategy can be you provides a few reference, wish you journey is happy!

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