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Grow Bai Shan: Natural landscape and travel resort

Long Bai Shan is located in Chinese Jilin to save churchyard of autonomous prefecture of the Chaoxian nationality that extend a limit, it is China's youngest volcano, also be one of most typical volcano on the world. Long Bai Shan is a natural museum that has value of extremely expensive scientific research not only, it is to manage the travel resort that attracting countless tourists with its distinctive natural landscape more.

Grow natural landscape of Bai Shan

Geology of long white hill is tectonic and complex, landscape diversity, collect volcano, hot spring, chute, laky reach all sorts of vegetation at an organic whole, show the natural landscape that gives colorfulness. Long white Shan Tianchi, south the tourist attraction such as top of cereal of lasting vague impression of slope of slope Buddha Guang Ling, north, long platinum, long white fall distributings among them, each place tourist attraction has its distinctive scenery and story, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave making a person.

Grow travel activity of Bai Shan

The four seasons of long white hill is trenchant, every season has its distinctive scenery and travel activity. The summer can mountaineer view and admire of all kinds vegetation and animal, winter becomes the paradise of ski lover. In addition, the hot spring resource that long Bai Shan still abounds with its is attracting lover of numerous hot spring. No matter be mountain-climbing pedestrian, view and admire natural scene, still enjoy hot spring preserve one's health, long Bai Shan can satisfy the requirement of of all kinds tourist.

Grow historical culture of Bai Shan

Long Bai Shan is medium from of old the divine hill in heart of people of face two countries, be pregnant with deep history and culture. The long white Shan Tianchi on hill is known as " daughter lake " , having beautiful mythological fokelore; And long Bai Shan's mid long white mountain pass is pay tribute of two countries of the face in ancient time makes the main thoroughfare of the course. Long Bai Shan is shirt-sleeve Chinese, the full, history culture toward 3 old peoples, the folk-custom amorous feelings that withholding rich and colorful and history are vestigial.


Long Bai Shan's natural landscape with its rich and colorful, rich travel activity and long historical culture, sightseeing travel comes before attracting countless tourists, become the jewel of a bright of Chinese tourism.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can let you understand long Bai Shan more through the article, for you prospective journey provides reference and help.

