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1. 巴黎,法国


2. 东京,日本


3. 纽约市,美国


4. 巴塞罗那,西班牙


5. 首尔,韩国


6. 悉尼,澳大利亚


7. 伦敦,英国


8. 罗马,意大利


9. 曼谷,泰国


10. 赫尔辛基,芬兰






Travel city is the union of the culture of each country each district and landscape, it is the main tourist attraction that attracts a tourist. Travel city can bring infinite surprise and good memory to people. The following and handpick 10 towns that suit travel most, let us explore their glamour together!

1.Paris, france

Paris, be known as " smooth city " , be world-renowned romance. This city wait for famous tourist attraction with palace of iron tower of Er of Parisian goddess courtyard, dust humble, Lu Fu famed at the world. Take a walk in riverside of accept of a place of strategic importance, sample delicate French big eat, it is the romantic brigade that people will come to Paris experience surely.

2.Tokyo, japan

Tokyo, regard the population on the world as most city, be full of modern glamour. Shallow careless temple, Tokyo Dishinile is garden, silver-colored a shopping area is the travel famous scenic spot that Tokyo has distinguishing feature alone. No matter be the night that the season that oriental cherry blooms or neon lamp twinkle, tokyo can let a person be reluctant to leave forget to return.

3.Newyork city, the United States

Newyork cityIt is a confluence multivariate the international of culture is metropolitan, the mark sex tourist attraction such as square of the Statue of Liberty, times, central park is attracting global tourist. Here, you can be experienced distinctive " new York atmosphere " , experience different life.

4.Barcelona, spain

BarcelonaIt is the bright phearl that Spain brights, the mark sex such as the market builds the home of the building of Anthony · Gao Di, Bateluo, La Bokeliya and ground mark is attracting tourist deeply. Here, you can experience the passion with peculiar Spain and vigor.

5.Head Er, korea

Head ErIt is contemporary the city that collides with the tradition, shopping street of Jing Fugong, bright hole, south hill tower is a place that Er cannot miss. No matter be culture of shopping cate or Hanliu, head all sorts of requirement that Er can satisfy you.

6.Sydney, australia

SydneyIt is costly the perfect union with nature, tower of opern, Sydney, state enlighten the mark sex tourist attraction that beach is Sydney. Here, what you can enjoy littoral city is satisfied with freedom.

7.London, england

London, as British capital, having long history and culture inside information. The mark sex such as bridge of tower of big bell, Buckingham Palace, London builds the delegate that is London. No matter be classical flower type afternoon tea or wonderful the Broadway theater, you can find you to like in London.

8.Rome, italy

RomeIt is the city of art, fort of angel of the ancient Rome arena, field that fight animal, emperor is Rome's indispensable tourist attraction. In this city, what you can experience religion, literature and building art to bring is all-around shake.

9.Bangkok, thailand

Bangkok, regard southeast Asia as one of the most welcome travel cities, have the rich travel resource such as cloister, palace, shopping centers. Here, you can experience the religious culture that diffuses to Thailand and passion external friendly manner.

10.Helsinki, finnish

HelsinkiIt is the bright phearl of boreal Europe, art gallery of the Helsinki cathedral that is full of contemporary and artistic breath, Finnish country attracting lover of each district art. Here, you can feel boreal Europe's peculiar efficient and contemporary sense.

No matter be old culture details or contemporary glamour, city of these 10 travel will bring unforgettable memory to you. Might as well in next holiday, choose among them a city, open says the trip that takes!

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, hope this city recommends the journey that can be you to plan to provide a help!
