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育儿经验分享 | 成长中的点滴英文双语对照


育儿经验分享 | 成长中的点滴英文双语对照











On the growing road of darling

As parents, we always are paying close attention to darling grow. From darling the society turns over, sit up, stand, arrive again stride step the first pace, each instant that grow lets us feel extremely excited with happiness. A bit that these growing, it is the result that parental intention is caressed and leads.

The diet of darling is healthy

The dietary health of darling is the problem that every parent cares very much. In the growing process of darling, scientific dietary collocation and nutrition are balanced crucial to the body of darling and cerebrum development. Pass the communication with nutrient division and study, I sum up the dietary fitness knowledge that gives a few science, hope to be able to be shared with more parent.

The education of darling is illuminative

The education of darling is illuminative the important level that is development of decision darling future. Each phase that the parent grows in darling is acting important role, their teach by personal example as well as verbal instrution to affecting baby deeply grow. I set out from my practical experience, shared a few results in illuminative process and experience are taught in darling.

The health of darling nurses

The health of darling nurses to darling grow crucial. Had healthy body, darling ability learns better and grow. Through seeking advice from doctor and the communication with other parents, my summary went out a few about the experience that darling nurses daily and common disease prevents, hope to be helped somewhat to other parent.

The Yo that thanks you to read me experience is shared, hope these content can help more parents caress his darling better, witness each happy hour that child health grows jointly.

