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麻省健身,即慢性持续性运动(Maffetone Method),是一种基于心率控制的训练方法,旨在通过低心率的有氧运动来提高耐力和减脂。这种方法不仅适合专业运动员,也适用于普通人,被认为是一种健康又高效的锻炼方式。










Understanding hemp saves fitness

Hemp saves fitness, namely chronic durative motion (Maffetone Method) , it is one kind is based on heartbeat pilot to train a method, the campaign having oxygen that aims to pass low heartbeat will rise endurance and reduce fat. This kind of method suits professional athlete not only, also apply to Everyman, be considered as a kind of health to exercise means efficiently again.

How to begin

Want to begin hemp to save fitness, the biggest heartbeat having oxygen that needs to decide oneself above all (MAF, heartbeat of the biggest campaign having oxygen) . Can be calculated normally through simple mathematical formula, namely180- age =MAF. Then, make a sound training plan, include weekly athletic frequency, when grow to wait with athletic intensity.

Hemp saves training principle of fitness

Hemp saves fitness to emphasize persistent low heartbeat having oxygen campaign, canter for instance, wait by bicycle. Should maintain when training it is under MAF heartbeat, enhance heart lungs staying power gradually, exercise get used to longer campaign. In the meantime, dietary respect also wants to notice, avoid to absorb overmuch purificatory carbohydrate and industrialized food.

The effect and note

The training effect of hemp province fitness because of the person different, but the positive change that can bring the body to get used to motion having oxygen normally, include to increase basal metabolis rate, decrease fat to add function of lungs of heart of flesh, improvement to wait. Be worth what carry is, when just beginning campaign, may feel rate is very slow, but hold on, the effect can be shown gradually.

Anyhow, method of hemp province fitness is a kind of scientific training way, through low heartbeat campaign having oxygen raises fitness, suit to want health to decrease fat and the crowd that enhance staying power. If you hope to have better fitness and health, might as well try hemp to save fitness, believe to be able to be helped somewhat to you.

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