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  • 羊肉抓饭: 这是库车县最具特色的美食之一,选用当地上等羊肉和香甜的胡萝卜,配以香喷喷的米饭,香味四溢,回味无穷。
  • 大盘鸡: 以当地的鸡肉为主料,搭配土豆、胡萝卜等蔬菜,炖制而成,口感鲜美,麻辣鲜香。
  • 手抓饭: 选用优质大米拌上鲜嫩的羊肉和香料,再以葡萄干、胡萝卜为配料,色香味俱全,美味可口。
  • 烤全羊: 库车县的烤全羊极为出名,选用当地的优质羊肉,烤制而成,外酥里嫩,肉质鲜美。
  • 奶酪: 新疆的奶酪口感独特,味道浓厚,入口绵软,散发出浓浓的奶香,是不可错过的美食。





Library car county eats cate encyclopedia surely

Regard Xinjiang as a of the area main component, library car county feeds material resource with what abound with its distinctive geographical environment, be pregnant with a lot of pure cate, attracting countless tourists to come round to sample.

It is the cate that library car county cannot miss below:

  • Hotpot catchs a meal: This is one of cate that library car county has distinguishing feature most, choose local classy hotpot and sweet carrot, match with appetizing rice, fragrance 4 excessive, the aftertaste is boundless.
  • Grail chicken: Give priority to with local chicken makings, the vegetable such as tie-in potato, carrot, stew make and become, mouthfeel is delicious, hemp hot delicacy is sweet.
  • The hand catchs a meal: Choose high grade rice to mix on fresh and tender hotpot and flavor, it is burden with currant, carrot again, lubricious fragrance completely, delicate and goluptious.
  • Bake complete sheep: Of library car county bake complete sheep very famous, choose high grade hotpot of place, bake make and become, outside crisp in tender, the flesh is qualitative delicious.
  • Cheese: The cheese mouthfeel of Xinjiang is distinctive, flavour is grumous, entrance soft, send out a thick grandma is sweet, it is the cate that cannot miss.

Besides above cate, library car county still has a lot of place distinguishing feature fastfood, if the hand catchs the hotpot, bowel that bake, crusty pancake to wait, avery kind of is worth to try.

No matter be to sample cate, still appreciate local amorous feelings, library car county can keep good memory to you.

Thank you to read the article, hope you are finding the cate that suits him taste, open the brigade of a cate!

