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The history of Chinese culture

China is a state that has long history, its culture tradition is OK restrospect to thousands of years ago. The origin of Chinese culture is OK restrospect to an ancient name for China is civilized, its of long standing and well established history laid a foundation for the formation of Chinese culture. In endless historical endless flow, chinese culture absorbs foreign culture ceaselessly, the culture element of nation of shirt-sleeve each district, formed the culture configuration of rich and colorful.

The core viewpoint of value of Chinese culture

The core of Chinese traditional culture is Confucianist culture and Taoist school culture, the ethical morality sense that they affected Chinese society deeply, society governs means and individual way of life. Among them Confucianism emphasizes the core viewpoint of value such as faithful filial piety, kindheartedness, sincere letter, and Taoist school advocates preserve one's health, cultivate one's morality, comply with the concept such as nature. These core viewpoint of value are perforative the square field surface that lives daily at the Chinese, produced far-reaching effect to Chinese society.

The tradition of Chinese culture is artistic

Chinese traditional culture is famed with its individual lasting appeal and solid inside information at the world. Chinese traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, traditional opera, folk music is the main component with Chinese culture artistic tradition. These traditional and artistic forms are having extensive force in Chinese home not only, also get of people of world each district love. In the meantime, these traditional art also made the main bridge in world culture communication, deepened the understand one another of people of China and foreign countries and friendship.

The Chinese culture influence in modern society

As the progress of the development of the times and society, chinese culture also is evolving ceaselessly and develop. Chinese traditional culture still has important place in modern society, producing main effect in culture industry, tourism not only, also became the main source of Chinese soft actual strength. Meanwhile, modern culture industry of China also rises ceaselessly, game of the film, music, electron getting increasingly as burgeoning culture industry the attention of the world.

Chinese culture is of long standing and well established, broad and profound, produced far-reaching effect to world culture. Understand Chinese culture through development, can widen not only oneself culture eye shot, return the way of life that can comprehend Chinese people better and thinking way.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you know the rich connotation of Chinese culture and lasting effect better.
