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Yo of the bottom class in a kindergarten education

Yo of the bottom class in a kindergarten education is pressing with a finger to 3-6 year old the education of cheeper and administrative method. In this special growing phase, cognitive ability of the child, gregarious ability and mood government ability are in the phase of rapid development, because this effective education is mixed,manage to the child grow in the round crucial.

How to make appropriate study plan

Above all, yo of {the bottom class in a kindergarten the child's age and interest interest measure the basis of study plan need that teachs} the body is custom-built. Through understanding the child's be fond of and strong point, can make the study that has specific aim plan for them, improve the enthusiasm of study and study result thereby. Next, life of union of study plan need is real, the life that pays attention to education child provides for oneself ability and start work ability, wait for an activity through participating in handiwork of housework, DIY for example.

How to have effective mood government

In Yo of the bottom class in a kindergarten in education, mood management of the child is crucial. The parent and teacher need pay attention to those who listen attentively to the child to experience, guide they are conveyed correctly and release a mood, help them learn to pass language or the feeling that other way expresses him. In addition, the parent and teacher still should notice his mood management, set oneself an example to others, church child handles a mood correctly.

How to develop gregarious ability

Gregarious ability of the child is in Yo of the bottom class in a kindergarten significant position also is held in education. Wait through organizing activity of collaboration of game of a few teams, group, can develop group consciousness of the child and association ability. In addition, the parent still can look after children enter a few collective activities, wait like activity of collective and outdoors outing, justice industry, let them learn to get along with other and cooperate.

Through reasonable study plan, mood management and gregarious ability are fostered, yo of the bottom class in a kindergarten education can help the child grow in the round, the future that is them lays solid foundation.

Thank you to read the article, hope the article can help you understand Yo of the bottom class in a kindergarten better education, be in what the child is in be being operated actually to grow provide beneficial guidance.

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