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There is a kind of language on the world, without the character, however nowhere is absent. It is the language of nature, wait for natural element through river, vegetation, landforms, we can hear them to be worn in narrate what kind of story. Today, let us seek the language of nature together, the sound of listen respectfully nature, experience natural glamour.

Fluvial story

The river is the hematic arteries and veins of nature, they from fountainhead economize to avoid running short, stream drip to the sea. Each river is having the distinctive story that attributes his. For instance the Yangtse River, it is bearing the weight of China the civilized history 5000, witnessing the happening of countless stories. Nile, it is the cradle of Egypt civilization, provided cornucopian land and resource for Gu Ai and people.

Of vegetation recount

In nature, all sorts of vegetation also are worn in narrate the story of rich and colorful. Of selva dense, those who witnessing the diversity of species and competition is intense. The grazing on the prairie, grass is blown in wind low in the process that sees flocks and herds, recounting the changes of the life of herdsman and prairie.

The sound of landforms

The landforms of nature also is in the changes that telling the world. Undulating hills, river bay crisscross, laky ripple, each place landforms is bearing the weight of specific history and culture. For instance, the gully freely of loess plateau, recounting what came 100000 is weather-beaten the difficult cultivation with the farmer.

Wait for the sound of natural element through listen respectfully river, vegetation, landforms, we understand the mystery of nature and fascination can deeplier. These sound are the language of nature, also be we and the bridge that nature speaks, let us maintain awe-stricken heart, harmony is accrete.

Thank you to read the article, seek the language of nature through development, the hope can make you more hot love nature, cherish nature, protect earthly happiness.

