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1. 鱼米之乡的美味小吃


2. 炸鸡扒盛名不负


3. 豆花鲜香软滑


4. 酒楼美味尽在其中


5. 清新的农家风味


6. 麻辣鲜香的火锅


7. 神秘的藏秘猪蹄


8. 甜而不腻的牛舌干


9. 呛辣鲜香的麻辣兔头


10. 清香可口的手工豆腐脑




The cate that satisfy peace uncovers secret greatly

Regard Sichuan as a of the province main city rather then, having the cate culture of rich diversity. Here, you can sample all sorts of pure cate, every are having grumous local distinguishing feature together. Let us seek cate of the tunnel that satisfy peace together, uncover secret to satisfy cate of peaceful 10 big characteristic!

1.Of an abundant place delicate and fastfood

Because draw near,could there be then Jia Lingjiang and be known as " an abundant place " , its are fastfood mix with rich rice area products delicious aquatic product is famed. For instance, having long historyFried dough twist, outside fragile inside soft, sweet and goluptious; Still the course ferments, evaporate makesAcerbity hot pink, acid is hot tastily, mouthfeel is rich. And what could there be then is of all kinds and delicate fastfood still have countless, avery kind of is worth to try.

2.Fried chicken gathers up great reputation is not lost

The fried chicken that coulds there be then gathers up having long history and distinctive way, colour and lustre is golden, crisp is goluptious, add tailor-made sauce makings, delicate and clinking. Get local and tourist greatly love, it is one of characteristic cate that could there be then.

3.Fabaceous Hua Xianxiang is soft slip

In the food of local, The beans is beautifulIt is a kind of very welcome cate. Tender slip exquisite fabaceous flower is tie-in and distinctive sweet juice, it is the sweetmeats with a goluptious faint scent, aftertaste making a person is boundless.

4.Wine shop is delicate use up amid

The industry of wine shop meal that coulds there be then developeds, hereWine shop cateFull of beautiful things in eyes, from traditional plain dish, to dish of fashionable another name for Guangdong Province, Hunan dish, have everything that one expects to find. The food that provides distinguishing feature each is tasted, taste tunnel,

5.Pure and fresh farmhouse gust

The farmhouse dish that coulds there be then with pure and fresh and honest, taste delicious and celebrated, use feed capable person freshly, make peasant family of of all kinds delicate. The dish that is full of breath of the daily life of a family is tasted, aftertaste letting a person is boundless.

6.The chaffy dish with hemp hot spicy delicacy

As the delegate of plain dish, Chaffy dishIn having extremely tall person energy of life rather then. Hemp hot delicacy is sweet chaffy dish footing, fresh feed capable person, increase rich soup base, lick one's chaps making a person.

7.Hide secret pig hoof mysteriously

Hoof of pig Tibetan secret is the cate that has distinguishing feature quite together rather then, choose pig hoof to wait feed capable person, the course is cooked meticulously, mouthfeel is fresh and tender, sauce is sweet thick, love by deadbeat.

8.Sweet and not the bovine tongue of be bored with works

Bovine tongue works is a kind of characteristic that coulds there be then fastfood, outside crisp inside soft, crisp is goluptious. With tailor-made condiment souse and into, sweet and not be bored with, aroma is tangy, delicate and goluptious.

9.The head of hemp hot hare with choke hot sweet delicacy

Head of hemp hot hare is to satisfy peaceful characteristic course to taste one of, hot in take hemp, fragrance is tangy. Hare head flesh is qualitative fresh and tender, flavour is delicious, it is the cate that local takes great pride.

10.The manual jellied bean curd with goluptious faint scent

Manual jellied bean curd is to possess full-bodied ancient stemmed cup or bowl together sweet the cate with tender slippery mouthfeel, the craft that make is exquisite, choose makings is careful. Deserve to go up tailor-made condiment, faint scent is goluptious, nutrition is rich.

Acknowledgment reads chrestomathy piece article, believe to carry this article, your can peaceful to satisfying pure cate had more thorough knowledge, the brigade that also hopes to be able to be in the beauty that satisfy peace to feed for you provides a few helps.
