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如何挑选适合家居的餐桌 | 家居餐桌买家指南英文双语对照


如何挑选适合家居的餐桌 | 家居餐桌买家指南英文双语对照




1. 空间尺寸:在选择餐桌时,需考虑家庭的用餐空间,包括餐厅或者厨房的空间大小。确保餐桌的尺寸能够与家居空间相匹配,既能容纳家庭成员,又不至于显得拥挤。

2. 家居风格:餐桌的风格和材质应与家居装修风格相协调,可以选择现代简约、欧式复古、或者北欧清新等风格的餐桌,以增强整体家居的统一性和美感。

3. 功能需求:根据家庭的实际用餐需求,选择餐桌的形状和功能,例如长方形餐桌适合多人用餐,圆桌适合家庭小聚,可折叠的餐桌适合空间有限的家庭。

4. 材质与质量:考虑餐桌的材质和质量,如实木、人造板、玻璃等,需根据家庭的实际情况和预算做出选择。质量优秀的餐桌能够更加耐用,减少家居维护成本。


1. 定期清洁:使用柔软湿布擦拭餐桌表面,避免使用粗糙的清洁工具或者化学清洁剂,以免损坏餐桌表面。

2. 避免高温和潮湿:餐桌应避免长时间暴露在阳光下或者潮湿的环境中,以免导致餐桌材质的变形和损坏。

3. 使用餐桌布:在用餐时,可以在餐桌表面铺上餐桌布,以防止划伤和污渍,延长餐桌的使用寿命。




The choice suits the importance of the table of household

Decorate in household in, table serves as one of important furniture of the family, want to satisfy practical requirement already, want to rank color each shining more brilliantly in the other's company with the home again, the table that because this choice suits the home,resides is crucial.

The table that suits household chooses a guideline

1.Dimensional size: When the choice is mensal, need to consider have dinner space of the family, include restaurant or the dimensional size of the kitchen. Ensure mensal dimension can match with household space photograph, can contain domestic member already, unapt appear crowded.

2.Live in a style: Mensal style and material are qualitative should decorate color photograph to coordinate with household, can choose contemporary and contracted, Ou Shifu ancient, or the table of the style such as boreal Ou Qingxin, in order to heighten the oneness that whole lives in and aesthetic perception.

3.Functional requirement: According to demand of actual have dinner, choose mensal appearance and function, for example rectangular table suits much person have dinner, round-table suit a family to get together, collapsible table suits the family with limited space.

4.Material is qualitative with quality: The capable person that considers table pledges and quality, according to the facts wood, man-made board, glass, need to make a choice according to actual condition of the family and budget. The table with fine quality can more durable, reduce household to maintain cost.

Household table is safeguarded and maintain

1.Fixed cleanness: Use softness wet cloth wipes mensal surface, avoid to use coarse cleaner to provide chemical perhaps cleaner, lest damage mensal surface.

2.Avoid high temperature and moisture: Table should avoid to expose damp perhaps below sunshine environment for long in, lest cause mensal capable person,be out of shape character and damage.

3.Use mensal cloth: When have dinner, can go up in mensal surface shop mensal cloth, in order to prevent cut and besmirch, prolong mensal service life.


The choice suits the table of household, can exalt household aesthetic feeling not only, the have dinner that still can be family provides easy environment. Adopt above guideline, when hoping you are buying household table more handy. Thank you read.

