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  • 制定并组织实施本地区教育行政管理的各项政策、法规和规章;
  • 协调指导本地区各级各类教育事业的发展和改革;
  • 负责教育经费投入和资产管理;
  • 组织实施国家义务教育政策,推进城乡教育均衡发展;
  • 推动教育信息化和校园网络建设;
  • 保障教师队伍建设和学生权益保障;
  • 承担着本地区教育督导和考核工作等。





Bureau of Shenzhen city education

The director that bureau of Shenzhen city education is Shenzhen city teachs administration department of the job, its duty covered education the respect such as construction of administration of system government, education, school and construction of team of industry of teaching and administrative staff.

Teach leader orgnaization of the job as Shenzhen city, Bureau of Shenzhen city educationBasically assume the following job:

  • Make and organize executive our region to teach each policy of administration, code and regulations;
  • The development of enterprise of various and of all kinds education mixes harmonious and directive our region reform;
  • Be in charge of teaching funds investment and asset management;
  • The organization carries out national obligation to teach policy, advance urban and rural education balanced development;
  • Urge educational informatization and campus network construction;
  • Ensure pedagogic team construction and safeguard of student rights and interests;
  • Assuming our region to educational superintend and director guides and assess the job to wait.

Bureau of Shenzhen city education is advancing education actively it is fairness of modern, stimulative education, important to raise the respect such as educational quality to be being developed action. Meanwhile, bureau of Shenzhen city education also devotes oneself to to promote system mechanism reform, deepen educational field to be reformed integratedly, the more perfect education since work up runs a system.

Teach the function of the bureau and action through learning Shenzhen city, the administrative system that can understand Shenzhen city to teach the job better and development direction, offerred for teaching staff, parent and social community more reference and draw lessons from value.

Thank you to read the article, the hope passes the understanding of the article, you can know bureau of Shenzhen city education more clearly to be in educational management and developing are important action.

