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Zhenjiang, be located in Jiangsu the province is mid, it is geomantic treasure ground since ancient times, element has " golden hill portal " , " an abundant place " beautiful praise. Zhenjiang travel is resourceful, have beautiful natural view already, also have long historical culture and rich and diversiform cate. The article will take you to discover the attractive part of Zhenjiang, explore ancient rhyme cate and historical culture.

Natural scene: The ancient canal amorous feelings with picturesque landscape

The natural scene of Zhenjiang is characteristic with ancient canal, ancient canal sheds classics Zhenjiang urban district, the picture is beautiful and attractive. The ancient building that you can choose to admire edge river, yacht goes sightseeing or be to roam on the canal of water edge, those who experience ancient canal is halcyon and a long time ago. If you like nature, still can head for hill of solid of the Jiao Shan of Zhenjiang environs, north, appreciate elegant landscape view, experience a pure and fresh Shan Ye breath.

Historical culture: The solid inside information of former residence of chiliad ancient Buddhist templeput on the brakes, celebrity

Zhenjiang is having long history, own numerous celebrity former residence, ancient Buddhist templeput on the brakes and cultural relic place of historic interest. Famous Zhenjiang bridge hill is one of birthplace of Chinese buddhism, here has famous golden hill temple and anxious hill temple, the tourist can appreciate the glamour of chiliad ancient Buddhist templeput on the brakes. In addition, still can spend stage, Zhang Gong in order to head for rain the history such as relics of hole, arsenal is vestigial, experience Zhenjiang's solid historical culture inside information.

Cate culture: Zhenjiang is fastfood the inviting choice with characteristic cate

Travel in Zhenjiang, besides natural scene and historical culture, cate also is the one part that cannot miss. Zhenjiang is fastfood famed with its distinctive taste and rich variety, include pumpkin cake, boiler to build face, Li Xing to write down crab meat small basket etc, each appearance is worth to try. In addition, zhenjiang returns distinctive cooking technology, for example " Zhenjiang rice vinegar " and " Zhenjiang sweet vinegar " , get of domestic and international deadbeat love. Come to Zhenjiang, you cannot be missed absolutely sample these inviting cate.

Anyhow, zhenjiang travel assemble culture of natural scene, history and cate culture, it is a city that holds a Gu Yun and contemporary glamour concurrently. Hope the introduction of the article can let you have more intimate knowledge to Zhenjiang, also welcome you to come round to experience the glamour of Zhenjiang personally.

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