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如何正确进行健身训练——15 RM是什么意思?英文双语对照


如何正确进行健身训练——15 RM是什么意思?英文双语对照

了解15 RM训练方法

健身如今已成为现代生活方式的一部分,而要想取得良好的效果,正确的健身训练方法至关重要。在健身界,经常会听到“15 RM”这个术语,那它究竟是什么意思呢?

什么是15 RM?

15 RM指的是一种重复最大次数为15次的训练。这意味着你需要选取一个重量,让你在进行一组训练时,最多只能完成15次重复动作。这种训练方式适用于体能训练和肌肉耐力训练。

15 RM的好处

进行15 RM训练有助于增强肌肉耐力,提高血管系统功能,增加肌肉体积,还能帮助燃烧脂肪。因此,对于想要增加肌肉耐力和塑造身材的人来说,15 RM训练是一个不错的选择。

如何进行15 RM训练?

在进行15 RM训练时,你需要选择一个合适的重量,让你在进行动作时,能够完成15次重复,但又不至于太轻。这需要根据个人的体能和肌肉耐力来选择。



通过了解15 RM训练的方法和好处,希望你能在健身训练中更加科学有效地运用这项训练方法,达到更好的健身效果。

感谢您阅读本文,相信通过本文对15 RM训练方法的了解,可以帮助您更好地进行健身训练,提高工作效率和生活质量。


Understanding 15 RM trains a method

Fitness already made the one part of modern way of life nowadays, and want to obtain favorable result, accurate gymnastical training method is crucial. In gymnastical group, classics regular meeting is heard " 15 RM " this term, what meaning is it after all then?

What is 15 RM?

15RMThose who point to is a kind of training that repeats the largest number to be 15 times. This means you to need to choose a weight, let you when undertaking a group of training, can finish 15 times only at most repeat an act. Manner of this kind of training applies to physical ability training and muscle endurance training.

15The advantage of RM

Undertake 15 RM training conduces to enhance muscle staying power, improve hemal system function, increase muscle volume, still can help combustion adipose. Accordingly, to wanting to add muscle endurance is mixed for the person that portrays a figure, 15 RM training is a right choice.

How to undertake 15 RM trains?

When undertaking 15 RM trains, you need to choose an appropriate weight, let you when having an action, can finish 15 times repeat, but unapt too light. This need chooses according to the individual's physical ability and muscle endurance.

In addition, the attention maintains correct behavioral pose, avoid to had used great inertial power. Every need to have enough breathing space between the group, so that muscle has sufficient refreshment.


The methodological become reconciled that trains through understanding 15 RM is in, in hoping you can train in fitness, more scientific and effective ground uses this training method, achieve better gymnastical result.

Thank you to read the article, believe to train methodological understanding to 15 RM through the article, can help you undertake fitness trains better, improve work efficiency and life quality.

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