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The character of nature still has those

Nature is a magical book, the trickling sluggishly delicate language of the sound that its character conceals in wind to had blown a leaf, current, and in the delicate correlation between everythings on earth. Want to unscramble the character of nature, study its deep with respect to need a variety of miracles and secret.

GeologicalIt is to announce one of main tools of nature password. Earthly rock, layer and landforms braid its distinctive canto. From petrosal quality of a material and color, we can peep the years endless flow that insight ball forms; And the overlay of layer is geological the history that evolve is long roll. Old mountain range, gorge and volcano formed the canto of nature, let us can understand the preexistence this life of this planet.

BiologyIt is one of keys that unscramble nature character. The zoology characteristics of the configuration of floral leaf grain, bud, animal, it is the literal expression of biology world. Explore the wonderful part of nature, as unscrambling a biology is painterly, each subtle place Douyun is containing the mystery of life.

AstronomicalAnnounced the canto with more abstruse nature. Of star move, planetary orbit, even cosmic formation, it is the character in cosmic great books. Pass binoculars and scientific exploration, we can understand the message that twinkles in sky, those who understand the universe is grandiose with infinite possibility.

The character of nature is so encyclopedical and abstruse, course of avery kind of is a key that unscrambles this magical book. Ceaseless development is explored, we can read more and sealed writings, the endless surprise that experiences nature to bring us and inspire.

Thank you to read the article, the hope passes the help of the article, can let you understand the mystery of nature deep more, and the passion that arouses pair of nature and exploration spirit.

