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  • 护照和有效签证
  • 身份证明文件
  • 旅行保险单
  • 驾照(如有租车需求)


  • 个人常用药品和处方药
  • 防晒霜和防蚊液
  • 常用的医疗用品(如创可贴、消毒棉等)
  • 个人洗漱用品


  • 信用卡和借记卡
  • 泰铢现金和美元备用
  • 旅行支票(如果需要)


  • 手机和充电器
  • 相机或摄像机
  • 电源转换插头
  • 笔记本电脑或平板电脑


  • 舒适的衣物和鞋子
  • 泳衣和沙滩装备(根据旅行计划)
  • 太阳镜和帽子




Thailand freedom goes necessary detailed list

Thailand, regard southeast Asia travel as one of popular destination, natural scene is attractive, culture diversity, still have rich cate and shopping choice. Designedly prepares viatic article to be able to make your journey more successful and happy. It is Thailand freedom travel below necessary detailed list, let you have a good swim without care Thailand.

Important file

  • Passport and effective visa
  • Identification file
  • Viatic insurance policy
  • Driver's license (if have the demand that rent a car)

Medical treatment and individual health care

  • The individual is commonly used medicines and chemical reagents and prescription drug
  • Prevent bask in frost and the fluid that prevent midge
  • Commonly used medical treatment things (if achieve,can stick, alexipharmic cotton)
  • The individual washs gargle things

Finance affairs and pay

  • Credit card and borrow write down card
  • Cash of peaceful an ancient unit of weight and dollar reserve
  • Traveller's check (if need)

Electronic product

  • Mobile phone and charger
  • Camera or camera
  • Power source changes plug
  • Notebook computer or flat computer

Dress and deserve to act the role of

  • Comfortable clothings and shoe
  • Swimsuit and beach equipment (plan according to the journey)
  • Sunglass and cap

Above detailed list is to go the necessary article when Thailand travels, according to individual hobby and viatic plan, also can make adjust appropriately. Wish you travel in Thailand happy!

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, hope this Thailand freedom goes necessary detailed list is helped somewhat to you.
