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  • 组织和管理普通高等院校招生考试,包括普通高校招生全国统一考试和省内单考选拔高考等。
  • 组织和管理普通高等院校学生学籍档案管理工作,制定学籍管理制度。
  • 承担委托单位和社会机构的各类考试和技能鉴定工作。
  • 指导和协调全省各级各类学校招生考试和学籍管理工作。
  • 承担其他由省教育行政部门交办的考试、招生、学籍管理等方面的工作。







Shandong teachs exam courtyard overview

Shandong teachs exam courtyardIt is institution of directly under of service of education of Chinese Shandong province, be in charge of teaching exam and job of management of one's status as a student. Held water 1984, its mission is organization and management save exam of of all kinds education completely, standard and tubal a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties give birth to one's status as a student, promote educational exam reform and innovation of system of education.

Shandong teachs the duty of exam courtyard

Shandong teachs exam courtyardBasically assume the following responsibility:

  • Organize and manage entrance exam of common institution of higher learing, include throughout the country of average college recruit students unified exam and provincial the university entrance exam of choose of sheet take an examination ofing.
  • Organize and manage archives of one's status as a student of student of common institution of higher learing to supervise the work, make system of management of one's status as a student.
  • Assume the of all kinds exam that entrusts unit and social orgnaization and skill appraisal job.
  • Directive chime attune saves entrance exam of various and of all kinds school and job of management of one's status as a student completely.
  • Assume other the work that makes the field such as management of the exam that do, recruit students, one's status as a student by province education service.

Shandong teachs the reform of exam courtyard and innovation

In recent years, Shandong teachs exam courtyardAnswer a country actively to teach reform policy, devote oneself to to advance educational exam system and the innovation that run way. The respect is reformed in the university entrance exam, shandong teachs exam courtyard to perfect exam content and evaluation system ceaselessly, advance the diversification of the exam. Additional, be aimed at management of one's status as a student, this courtyard strengthens electron of one's status as a student to turn management, the scientific sex that promotes government of one's status as a student and convenient quality. In addition, courtyard of Shandong education exam still began the skill appraisal work such as exam of certificate of professional skill grade, promoted talent education and obtain employment.

Shandong teachs the future of exam courtyard to look into

Shandong teachs exam courtyardWill continue to deepen educational exam system to reform, advance educational administration system to reform, stimulative education fairness and quality promote. Through strengthening international collaboration to communicate, introduce advanced educational exam to manage experience and technical resort, promote the comprehensive strength of oneself ceaselessly, make larger contribution to the education of Shandong province and even whole nation is reformed and develop.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the hope passes the introduction that teachs exam courtyard to Shandong, deepen the understanding that reforms to teaching exam system.

