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圣缔大自然木门 | 为您解析圣缔大自然木门的优势与劣势英文双语对照


圣缔大自然木门 | 为您解析圣缔大自然木门的优势与劣势英文双语对照



  • 1. 环保健康:圣缔大自然木门采用天然木材,无毒无害,符合环保标准,对家庭成员的健康有益。
  • 2. 美观耐用:天然木材质地柔软,木纹清晰,色泽自然,经久耐用,风格独特,能为家居增添自然之美。
  • 3. 隔音保温:圣缔大自然木门材质紧密,密度高,具有良好的隔音和保温效果,能有效隔绝外界噪音,提高住宅舒适度。
  • 4. 定制灵活:可根据实际需要定制尺寸和样式,满足不同空间和装修风格的需求。
  • 5. 易维护:圣缔大自然木门经过特殊工艺处理,表面光滑不易积灰,清洁简便。



  • 1. 价格较高:由于天然木材成本较高,圣缔大自然木门的价格通常相对较高。
  • 2. 受环境影响:木材易受潮、蛀虫、变形,对湿度和温度要求较高,需要定期维护。
  • 3. 安装维护要求高:安装过程需要较高技术水平,维护保养也需要一定的专业知识。




Holy conclude nature the advantage of wooden door

Holy conclude nature wooden door is a kind of door that makes for main material with natural lumber, have the following advantage:

  • 1.Environmental protection is healthy: Wooden door uses holy conclude nature natural lumber, avirulent and harmless, accord with environmental protection standard, beneficial to the health of domestic member.
  • 2.Beautiful and durable: Natural lumber quality of a material is soft, muwen is clear, nature of colour and lustre, wear well, the color is distinctive, can add natural beauty for household.
  • 3.Sound insulation heat preservation: Holy conclude nature wooden door material is qualitative close together, density is high, have good sound insulation and heat preservation effect, noise of outside of can effective isolation, raise residential easy measurable.
  • 4.Custom-built and agile: But the basis needs custom-built dimension and type actually, satisfy different space and the requirement that decorate a style.
  • 5.Yi Wei is protected: Wooden door passes holy conclude nature special technology processing, the surface accumulates ash not easily glossily, clean and handy.

Holy conclude nature the inferior position of wooden door

However, wooden door also puts holy conclude nature in a few inferior position:

  • 1.The price is higher: Because natural lumber cost is higher, holy conclude nature the price of wooden door normally opposite taller.
  • 2.Suffer environmental effect: Lumber easy be affected with damp be affected with damp, borer, be out of shape, taller to humidity and temperature requirement, need to be safeguarded regularly.
  • 3.Installation upholds a requirement tall: Installation process needs relatively hi-tech level, care and maintenance also needs certain professional knowledge.

The place on put together is narrated, holy conclude nature because wooden door is beautiful and health of its environmental protection, durable wait for an advantage to accept favour fully, but the price is higher, suffer the inferior position such as environmental influence to also need serious consideration. Wooden door still needs nature of choice emperor conclude combinative oneself is actual circumstance, careful choice.

Thank you to read the article, the hope understands holy conclude nature to you wooden door is helped somewhat.
