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  • 1. 粘度等级:根据汽车制造商的建议,选择合适粘度等级的机油。
  • 2. API标志:确保机油符合美国汽车标准协会(API)规定的性能标准。
  • 3. 粘度指数:考虑机油在不同温度下的性能稳定性。
  • 4. 添加剂:机油中的添加剂能提供清洁、润滑和防腐功能,要确保添加剂种类和比例符合要求。
  • 5. 使用场景:根据汽车的使用环境和条件选择不同类型的机油,如城市行驶、高速行驶、越野等。
  • 6. 汽油引擎vs.柴油引擎:汽油车和柴油车对机油性能要求不同,需要选择相应类型的机油。
  • 7. 速减性能:了解机油的速减性能,以确保在高温或者高速行驶时仍能提供良好的润滑效果。
  • 8. 品牌信誉:选择信誉良好的品牌,确保产品质量和售后服务。
  • 9. 经济性:综合考虑机油的价格、更换周期以及性能,选择符合经济性的产品。
  • 10. 更换周期:根据汽车使用情况和机油性能,确定适合的更换周期。







What is car engine oil?

Car engine oil, call engine oil again, it is to be used at spare parts of lubricant engine interior to reduce the lube of attrition. It is rising when engine runs cooling, sealed with clean action.

The classification of car engine oil

Car engine oil uses grade of setting, viscosity and manufacturing data cent to be synthetic engine oil and mineral engine oil according to making normally. Synthesizing engine oil is to pass chemistry to synthesize production, and mineral engine oil is be abstracted from inside crude oil and come.

The choice of car engine oil wants a place

  • 1.Viscosity grade: According to the proposal of car manufacturer, choose the engine oil of appropriate viscosity grade.
  • 2.API mark: Ensure engine oil accords with association of American car standard (the performance standard that API) sets.
  • 3.Viscosity index: Consider the function stability that engine oil issues in different temperature.
  • 4.Additive: The additive in engine oil can be offerred clean, lubricant with anticorrosive function, want to ensure additive sort and scale accord with a requirement.
  • 5.Use setting: Choose the engine oil of different type according to the use environment of the car and condition, be like a city travel, high speed travel, cross-country etc.
  • 6.Benzine engine Vs. Derv engine: Benzine car and derv car ask to differ to engine oil function, need chooses the engine oil of corresponding type.
  • 7.Fast reduce performance: Those who understand engine oil fast reduce performance, be in in order to ensure high temperature still perhaps can provide favorable lubricant result when high speed travel.
  • 8.Brand credit: Choose the brand with good reputation, ensure product quality and after service.
  • 9.Economy: The price that considers engine oil integratedly, change cycle and function, the choice accords with socioeconomic product.
  • 10.Change periodic: Use circumstance and engine oil property according to the car, suit certainly change periodic.

Of car engine oil maintain

Change regularly engine oil replaces engine oil filter is the key that holds engine property. Use the proposal of manual according to the car, make maintain regularly plan, ensure change in time engine oil.


Choosing the engine oil that suits a car is the main factor that assures to engine runs normally and prolong service life. Through understanding points of afore-mentioned choose of 10 general election, can help a car advocate the engine oil that chooses to suit him car better, assure the abiding health of engine.

Thank you to read the article, hope the car engine oil that these information choose to suit to you is helped somewhat.

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