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1. 北欧风格: 北欧风格注重简约、明亮,以淡色调和木质家具为主,营造清新自然的居住氛围。

2. 现代简约风格: 现代简约风格追求简洁、线条流畅,常采用中性色调和简洁的家具,创造舒适的现代生活氛围。

3. 地中海风格: 地中海风格浪漫而充满活力,以明快的色彩和装饰元素,营造浪漫的海边度假感。

4. 中式风格: 中式风格注重传统文化与现代生活的结合,通过木质家具和传统装饰元素,营造典雅中式的居住氛围。

5. 美式乡村风格: 美式乡村风格以复古和舒适为特点,常运用木质家具和花卉装饰,营造宁静和温馨的居住环境。


1. 个人喜好: 首先要根据自己的喜好选择合适的装修风格,考虑自己喜欢的色彩、家具风格等因素。

2. 居住需求: 根据居住需求选择合适的装修风格,如家庭成员、居住空间大小等因素。

3. 预算考虑: 针对不同装修风格的材料和家具价格差异,需要充分考虑自己的装修预算,选择经济实用的风格。

4. 专业建议: 如果在选择装修风格上犹豫不决,可以寻求专业的室内设计师或装修公司的建议,根据自己的情况做出选择。



Household decorates the importance of the style

Household decorates a style there is crucial effect in making comfortable household environment. The choice decorates a style suitably to be able to promote living easy not only measurable, return what can mirror host to savour with individual character, let the home become more sweet and comfortable.

Mainstream household decorates style introduction

1.Boreal Europe style: Boreal Europe style is paid attention to contracted, bright, with mediating woodiness furniture is given priority to palely, build the living atmosphere of pure and fresh nature.

2.Contemporary and contracted style: Contemporary and contracted style pursues concise, line fluent, often use the furniture with neuter harmonic and concise description, create comfortable modern life atmosphere.

3.Mediterranean style: Mediterranean style is romantic and red-blooded, with lively colour and adornment element, the seaside that builds romance goes vacationing feeling.

4.Chinese style style: Chinese style style pays attention to the union of traditional culture and modern life, carry woodiness furniture and traditional adornment element, build the living atmosphere of elegant Chinese style.

5.Style of beautiful type countryside: Style of beautiful type countryside is mixed with restoring ancient ways comfortable for the characteristic, often apply woodiness furniture and flowers adornment, build halcyon the living environment with warmth.

The household that how chooses to suit oneself decorates a style

1.Individual be fond of: The be fond of that wants him foundation above all chooses to decorate a style suitably, consider the factor such as style of the color that oneself like, furniture.

2.Living demand: According to living demand chooses to decorate a style suitably, wait for an element like size of domestic member, living space.

3.Budgetary consideration: Be aimed at different the material that decorates a style and furniture price difference, need is mature oneself decorate a budget, choose the style with practical economy.

4.Professional proposal: If choosing to decorate a style to go up indecisive, can explore professional indoor stylist or the proposal that decorate a company, make a choice according to his circumstance.

The household that chooses to suit oneself decorates a style crucial, can satisfy an individual to go after not only, still can make household space more harmonious and sweet. Hope the article can help you choose to decorate a style suitably better, the home that is you adds more comfortable with happiness.

