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General situation of commercial bank of country of Hefei science and technology

Commercial bank of country of Hefei science and technology (the following abbreviation " bank of Hefei science and technology " ) it is commercial bank of first country of city of Hefei of the Anhui province, held water 2008. Serve as to be the financial orgnaization of the tenet in order to serve development of rural economics of country, support, bank of Hefei science and technology innovates in rural finance and serve a field by course of study inside approbate extensively.

The characteristic of commercial bank of country of Hefei science and technology

Bank of Hefei science and technology devotes oneself to compose to build " 4 change " service system, namely " wisdom is changed, essence of life is changed definitely, poor dissimilation, specialization " service. This bank is revitalized in countryside and respect of rural banking service began the move with a series of significant deal with concrete matters relating to work, include finance to help application of finance of benefit of construction of system of credit of deficient, country, general and financial science and technology up to wait.

The scope of business of commercial bank of country of Hefei science and technology

The scope of business of bank of Hefei science and technology covered an individual finance, medium banking of small small company and rural finance 3 big board piece. Aim to satisfy the financial demand that company of rural dweller, country and rural organism increase increasingly, the diversity that promotes rural economics develops, build modern agriculture, beautiful appropriate to reside countryside to offer strong finance to prop up for compose.

The achievement of commercial bank of country of Hefei science and technology and honor

Bank of Hefei science and technology is driving countryside to revitalize, side of finance of service rural area is having distinct effect, obtain early or late " demonstrative orgnaization of innovation of finance of the Anhui province " , " innovation of countrywide country finance is outstanding unit " wait for honorary title, got the affirmation of relevant section and social all circles and recognition.

The future of commercial bank of country of Hefei science and technology is looked into

Face the new era that countryside revitalizes, bank of Hefei science and technology will continue to increase the investment of pair of country finance, promote finance the level of the service and capability ceaselessly, devote oneself to to make top-ranking rural finance brand, build modern agriculture, beautiful appropriate to reside countryside to contribute more force for compose.

Thank you to read this professional article about commercial bank of country of Hefei science and technology, the hope passes bank of understanding Hefei science and technology, you can know the practice that rural finance innovates and exploration better, and the exploration of bank of Hefei science and technology in this one domain and achievement.
