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We listen to elder to tell about the life in the past constantly, they ever had been experienced a lot of, bearing the weight of the memory of that times and affection. Let us walk into the story of grandfather grandma together, experience their life contrail and inner experience.


Grandfather grandma is born in the Chinese country of 20 centuries, rural life is simple in those days and hardships. Because lack modern establishment, their life relies on rich and manual labor morely. The pains in farm is cultivated, the spin in the home is braided, it is the normal that they live daily.

The job and life

The job of grandfather grandma is given priority to with soil, they foster a family, cultivate crops, spend in farm and field edge of a field all one's life. They created everything what what need in daily life with their both hands, although work hard, but also cherish results more. Meanwhile, grandfather grandma learned to listen attentively to nature in the life, esteem the order of nature, experience the rhythm of nature.

Affection and association

In the times of grandfather grandma, human association is more honest and true. The feeling between them is real and deep, close affection, neighborhood situation is holding significant position in their life. Even if material shorts, they still cherish is thankful, be happy to help a person, the affection that this kind of coadjutant each other loves gets in their story the truest reflect.

Years precipitates

Years is like shuttle, past of turn one's head, the life of grandfather grandma is corporeal results not just, it is the inner course of harships of all previous classics more. They face the hardships of the life and challenge with tough perseverance and wisdom, education goes a kind of dark disposition and upbeat life mood.


Pass through these stories, we can understand the life scene in the past not only, can experience grandfather grandma from which more people opposite is had deep love for alive, to favor cherish, and they live to future period make. Let our engrave go, cherish now, look into future, that true affection and opposite have deep love for inheritance alive.

Thank you to read this article, the hope carries these real stories, can let us more cherish present happy life, learn the manner that from the derive on grandfather grandma body they approach the life and wisdom.

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