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Recreation of big Wu Ge: The absolutely beautiful place with a long history

Recreation of big Wu Ge, be located in province of Kampuchea Xian bead, it is the oldest religion building on the world group one of, also be bequest of UNESCO world culture. Here has the Wu Ge hole of acclaim as the peak of perfection making a person not only, still have rich history vestigial, traditional culture and distinctive recreational activities.

The Wu Ge culture with long history

Area of recreation of big Wu Ge is bearing the weight of rich historical culture legacy, condensed Hinduism and Buddhist religious culture, wu Ge hole is among them most famous delegate. What these old buildings and sculpture recorded archaic Cambodia empire is brilliant, also be the main reason that pilgrim comes to before tourist of world each district.

Recreational activities and culture experience

Besides grand history vestigial, recreation of big Wu Ge still has the recreational activities of rich and colorful, if traditional dancing performance, handicraft tastes the market and cate,sample etc. The tourist can be after those who admire Wu Ge hole is gallant, experience place's distinctive culture and recreation, understand a Kampuchean civilian lifestyle and tradition.

The glamour that recreation of big Wu Ge travels

Recreation of big Wu Ge is the history and culture not only make the land that collect, it is the wonderful confluence of recreation and landscape more. Tourists can experience the inheritance of historical precipitation, culture here, the recreation that also can enjoy cheerful body and mind to the top of one's bent experiences.


Recreation of big Wu Ge, gathered together as the history, culture and recreational are absolutely beautiful place, drawing the look of the whole world. Hope each tourists can appreciate its distinctive glamour here, experience the experience that is different from ferial life, taking to this land be sentimentally attached to deeply and recollect indefinitely.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, believe to pass recreation of understanding big Wu Ge, can bring more inspiration for your journey with the help.
