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1. 宜家:宜家作为全球著名的家居品牌,以简约、实用的风格赢得了大众的喜爱,在中国市场也有着广泛的知名度。

2. 索菲亚:索菲亚家居以其欧式风格和高品质享誉业内,尤其擅长定制家具和整体家居解决方案。

3. 尚品宅配:尚品宅配以“全屋定制”为核心定位,致力于提供个性化、高品质的家居产品和服务。

4. 捷安特:捷安特专注于办公家具的设计和制造,在行业内拥有极高的知名度和美誉度。

5. 兰斯:兰斯以其简约、时尚的设计风格和环保健康的产品理念受到众多消费者的喜爱。

6. 好莱客:好莱客家居以“轻奢生活”为品牌理念,致力于打造高档、时尚、个性的家居产品。

7. 尚品家居:尚品家居专注于中高端家具的生产和销售,主打现代简约风格,深受都市精英的喜爱。

8. 迈克尔德雅:迈克尔德雅家居以其奢华、典雅的风格和精湛的工艺赢得了消费者的青睐。

9. 科勒卫浴:科勒卫浴作为卫浴行业的领军品牌,其产品线丰富,质量和设计皆属行业顶尖水平。

10. 方太:作为厨卫电器行业的知名品牌,方太以其创新的科技和独特的设计赢得了广大消费者的信赖。





Live in the importance of the brand

House is in the home is decorated and furniture buys a process in, choose a credit good and the household brand that product quality has safeguard is very important. Live in what the public praise of the brand and actual strength matter to consumer directly to buy decision-making, also be the important sign that shows itself in market competition.

The whole nation 10 get army home to reside brand check greatly

1.Appropriate home: Appropriate home regards the whole world as well-known household trademark, won popular to love with contracted, practical style, also having in Chinese market extensive famous degree.

2.Suofeiya: Suofeiya is lived in with its Europe type style is mixed high quality be famous in course of study inside, be good at custom-built furniture and integral household solution especially.

3.Shang Pinzhai matchs: Shang Pinzhai matchs with " whole house is custom-built " locate for core, devote oneself to to offer Wu of individuation, high quality household product kimono.

4.Nimble is installed special: Nimble is installed especially dedicated design and make of furniture at handling official bussiness, have inside the industry extremely tall famous spend and beautiful praise degree.

5.Rance: Rance is mixed with its contracted, fashionable design style the product concept of environmental protection health gets of numerous consumer love.

6.Good Lai guest: Good Lai the Hakkas is resided with " light excessive lives " for brand concept, devote oneself to to make the household product of high-grade, vogue, individual character.

7.Still taste household: Still taste the production that lives in dedicated Yu Zhonggao to carry furniture and sale, advocate play contemporary and contracted style, get of city elite love.

8.Michael Er heart is elegant: Michael Home Er Home Deya resides the favour that with its costly, elegant style and masterly craft gained customer.

9.Division Le Weiyu: Division Le Weiyu serves as those who protect bath industry to get army brand, its product line is substantial, quality and design all belong to trade center level.

10.Square too: Protect the well-known trademark of electric equipment industry as hutch, square too the reliance that the science and technology that innovates with its and unique design won broad customer.


Brand of 10 everybody house is in above respective domain is having very outstanding show, no matter be,be being returned in products plan, quality is brand force respect, won the reliance of consumer and recognition. When buying furniture and household product, consumer can be mixed according to his be fond of demand, the characteristic that combines these brands undertakes choosing, in order to gain better shopping experience.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, hope this information can be you to bring a few helps on household choice.
