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Every so often, we all realize that we've been using a product completely wrong for years and are mind-blown when we figure out its intended use. 我们时常会发现某个东西用错很多年,弄清真正用法时就豁然开朗了。 This, friends, is another one of those times. The bottled Starbucks Frappuccinos you've been drinking straight out of the fridge aren't called "bottled chilled lattes" or "cold mochas" for a reason. 朋友,我就要说一件这样的事。你一直从冰箱里拿出来就喝的星巴克的瓶装星冰乐没有取名叫“瓶装冰拿铁”或者“冰摩卡”是有原因的。 They actually turn into the iced blended Starbucks drinks you've come to know and love...if you freeze them. 如果你把它们冻上,它们其实可以变成你所熟悉并喜爱的星巴克混合冰镇饮料。 TikToker @naatalie_lee put this revelation to the test. She heard on TikTok, of course, that you're actually supposed to put Starbucks' bottled Frappuccinos in the freezer for them to turn into, you know, a Frappuccino. 抖音用户@naatalie_lee做了这个试验。当然她是在抖音上听说其实应该把星巴克的瓶装星冰乐放冰箱里,才能变成真正的“星冰乐”。

She tried it with a bottle of the vanilla-flavored Frappuccino by putting it in the freezer for a few hours. When she pulled it out, it still looked like liquid. Once she shook it, though, it turned into a blended iced drink. 她用一瓶香草味星冰乐试了一下。把它放冰箱里几小时,拿出来以后看起来仍然像是液体,但是一晃就变成了混合的冰镇饮料。 Yes, folks! We have looked like straight fools this entire time drinking melted Frapps. In the comments, TikTok users said they were always so confused as to why the drink was called a Frappuccino when they drank it like chilled coffee. Someone who claimed to be a Starbucks employee said they didn't even know about this. 对,朋友!我们一直都像傻瓜一样在喝融化的星冰乐。其他抖音用户在评论中说他们一直不明白为什么这种饮料叫星冰乐,但喝起来感觉却像冰咖啡。一个自称是星巴克员工的人说甚至连他们都不知道。 We all accepted it for what it was and never questioned it. This is definitely not the first and certainly not the last time we'll do that. It's fine, though, because now we know about this one! 我们都习惯了过去的喝法,从未怀疑过。我们绝对不是第一次这样做,也不会是最后一次。但其实也没关系,因为现在我们都知道啦!
