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  • 菠菜: 富含铁质和维生素,有助于增加肌肉力量和耐力。
  • 西兰花: 含有丰富的抗氧化物质,有助于减少肌肉疲劳和促进恢复。
  • 胡萝卜: 含有β-胡萝卜素,有助于维持眼睛和皮肤的健康,同时提供能量。
  • 番茄: 富含抗氧化剂和维生素C,有助于减少肌肉损伤和炎症。
  • 花椰菜: 富含纤维和维生素K,可以帮助维持骨骼健康和促进新陈代谢。



  • 将蔬菜制作成色拉或沙拉,搭配健康的沙拉酱。
  • 将蔬菜加入到主食中,如蔬菜炒饭、意大利面等。
  • 选择新鲜的蔬菜原料,避免过度加工和烹饪。




Greengrocery food is in the importance in fitness

Vegetable is the main component of healthy diet, to fitness person for more indispensable. They are contained a lot ofvitamin, mineral with fiber, can help maintain healthy, aggrandizement immunity system, stimulative muscle grows and repair, still can adjust the soda acid balance inside body, reduce the fatigue feeling after training.

The following vegetable is fitness person not 2 choices

In gymnastical diet, these vegetable are indispensable absolutely under:

  • Spinach: Contain a lot ofiron to be mixed character vitamin, conduce to increase muscle strength and staying power.
  • On the west orchid: Contain fight oxidation material richly, conduce to reduce muscle exhaustion and promote restore.
  • Carrot: Contain β - carotene, conduce to maintain eye and cutaneous health, provide energy at the same time.
  • Tomato: Contain a lot ofantioxidant and vitamin C, conduce to reduce muscle injury and inflammation.
  • Cauliflower: Contain a lot offiber and vitamin K, can help maintain skeleton health and stimulative metabolism.

How to increase vegetable absorbing in food

Become the protagonist in food to let vegetable, you can try the following method:

  • Make vegetable salad or salad, the salad sauce of tie-in health.
  • In joining vegetable staple food, if vegetable fries meal, Italy face,wait.
  • Choose new vegetable raw material, avoid excessive treatment and cooking.

No matter be to add flesh to still reduce fat, fitness person the value that should realize vegetable adequately, reasonable and tie-in food, let vegetable become the star on gymnastical table.

Thank you to read the article, hope these information about gymnastical vegetable are helped somewhat to you.
