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  • 哈巴狗:哈巴狗通常价格在1000元至3000元之间,是一种性格温和、容易亲近的宠物狗。
  • 拉布拉多:拉布拉多是一种活泼、友好的狗,价格大约在2000元至5000元。
  • 贵宾犬:贵宾犬价格较为昂贵,一般在5000元至10000元之间,但其聪明、易训的特性吸引着许多宠物爱好者。
  • 柴犬:柴犬是一种性格独立、忠诚的犬种,价格大约在3000元至8000元。
  • 藏獒:藏獒通常价格较高,一般在10000元以上,它们是一种勇敢、忠诚的犬种。



  • 家庭住所:如果住在公寓,可能需要选择体型小巧、活泼好动的犬种;如果有大型庭院,可以考虑养大型犬。
  • 个人生活方式:如果是经常出差的上班族,可能不适合选择需要大量陪伴的犬种。
  • 与家庭成员相处:考虑到家庭成员的年龄、健康状况等,选择与之相处融洽的犬种。
  • 精力及经济状况:一些犬种需要定期美容、训练或是食物、医疗方面的花费,需要考虑自己的经济和精力承受能力。




The choice suits his pet dog

Want to raise a dog to serve as pet, get the lifestyle that considers oneself and preference above all, choose a kind of pet dog that suits oneself thereby. Will introduce the pet dog of different breed and its price for you below, help you make well-advised choice.

Breed of common pet dog reachs the price

It is a few common pet dog breed and its price limits below:

  • Pekinese: Pekinese normally the price reachs 3000 yuan in 1000 yuan between, it is the pet dog that a kind of disposition is close to blandly, easily.
  • Labuladuo: Labuladuo is a kind of lively, friendly dog, the price reachs 5000 yuan in 2000 yuan about.
  • Honoured guest dog: Price of honoured guest dog is relatively high, reach 10000 yuan in 5000 yuan commonly between, but its are clever, easy the character of example is attracting a lot of pet lover.
  • Bavin dog: The dog that bavin dog is independence of a kind of disposition, faithfulness is planted, the price reachs 8000 yuan in 3000 yuan about.
  • Hide mastiff: Hide mastiff the price is normally higher, be in commonly 10000 yuan of above, the dog that they are a kind of brave, faithfulness is planted.

Choose the consideration element of pet dog

When choosing pet dog, besides the price, still should consider the following factor:

  • Domestic abode: If live in apartment, the likelihood needs to choose bodily form cabinet, lively good the dog that use is planted; If have large court, can consider to raise large dog.
  • Individual lifestyle: If be the office worker that often is away on official business, the likelihood does not suit to choose to need the dog of a large number of company to plant.
  • Get along with domestic member: The age that considers domestic member, healthy state, the choice gets along to it harmonious dog is planted.
  • Energy reachs economic atmosphere: A few dogs are planted need fixed hairdressing, training or the expenditure that are respect of food, medical treatment, the economy that needs him consideration and energy bear ability.

Through understanding the pet dog of different breed and its price limits, the hope can help you make right decision when choosing pet dog. Final, no matter chose dog of which kinds of pet, they meet spouse of the dutiful in becoming you live and domestic member.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can choose to bring a help for your pet.

