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作为古代四大古都之一,西安拥有悠久的历史和独特的文化底蕴。古城墙是中国现存规模最大、保存最完整的古代城垣建筑,形成了独特的历史风貌。而大雁塔作为中国现存最早、规模最大的唐代佛教 pagoda,也是西安的标志性建筑之一。


华清池是唐代温泉皇宫遗址,坐落在华山脚下,被誉为 "天下第一温泉"。而华山作为中国五岳之一,以险、奇、峻、秀著称,同时也因其险峻的山势和丰富的道教文化而备受游客青睐。







Shaanxi travel setting

Shaanxi, be located in northwest ministry of China, it is a history the province with long and vast region. Regard China as one of civilized birthplace, shaanxi is bearing the weight of rich historical legacy and culture landscape, get of domestic and international tourist love. The place that Shaanxi travels and tourist attraction emerge in endlessly, no matter be archaic culture vestigial natural still scene, can satisfy the requirement of all sorts of different type tourists.

Imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor and military forces tomb figure

One of travel tourist attractions with the famousest Shaanxi are imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor and military forces tomb figure. This is the dimensions in tomb of emperor of Chinese ancient time the most baronial, save a the most complete. Military forces tomb figure also is world-renowned archaeology discovery, pass these elegant pottery figurine, people can see archaic military affairs and life setting, having important sense to Chinese history and culture.

Xi'an ancient city wall and wild goose tower

Regard ancient time as one of 4 big ancient capital, xi'an possesses long history and individual culture inside information. Ancient city wall is Chinese existent dimensions the biggest, save the wholest ancient time to city wall building, formed distinctive historical view. And wild goose tower serves as China existent the Pagoda of Tang Dynasty buddhism with the earliest, the largest scale, also be one of mark sex buildings of Xi'an.

Hua Qingchi and Mount Hua

Hua Qingchi is relics of palace of Tang Dynasty hot spring, be located below Mount Hua foot, be known as " the world " of the first hot spring. And Mount Hua regards China as one of the Five Mountains, with danger, strange, high, show celebrated, also mix because of its arduous hill situation at the same time rich Taoism culture and accept tourist favour fully.

The crock mouth chute of Campagna of the central Shaanxi plain

Be located in the crock mouth chute over the Yellow River is the 2nd cataract of Chinese, also be the biggest yellow fall on the world. Its of great momentum, boldness of vision is grandiose, it is the delegate of grand and natural landscape.


No matter you are interested in historical culture, still like natural view, shaanxi can provide the viatic experience of rich and colorful to you. Discover Shaanxi, you will appreciate unique historical details and magnificent natural sight, experience China civilized 5000 broad and profound.

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