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  • 牛三星:顺德人的早餐首选,以糯米、鲜肉等为馅料,包裹在粽叶里蒸熟而成,外观红润、鲜香美味。
  • 逸香斋猪脚:肉质鲜美,香气扑鼻而来,烹饪至酥烂入味,酱汁丰富,令人回味无穷。
  • 叉烧包:馅料鲜嫩多汁,搭配松软的包子皮,口感极佳。
  • 虾饺:精选鲜虾为馅料,皮薄馅满,清甜可口。
  • 荷叶饼:又名荷叶糕,外观香脆、内馅鲜美,深受顺德本地居民的喜爱。







Arrange heart cate culture

Suitable heart, it is a city of city of Fosan of Chinese Guangdong province, also be the cate with Chinese famous south. With its masterly cooking technology and distinctive taste famed far and near of suitable heart cate. Its cooking craft abounds diversity, taste is delicate pay attention to former juice raw ingredient.

Suitable heart eats surely fastfood

In suitable heart, can not miss the following kinds to eat surely fastfood:

  • Niu Sanxing: Arrange the breakfast first selection of heart person, wait for the makings that it is stuffing with polished glutinous rice, fresh pork, wrap up is in Zong leaf evaporate is ripe and into, the outward appearance is ruddy, rare sweet delicate.
  • Foot of pig of ease sweet fast: The flesh is qualitative delicious, aroma is tangy and come, cooking comes crisp sodden tasty, sauce is rich, aftertaste making a person is boundless.
  • Fork cooks a package: Stuffing makings is fresh and tender and juicily, skin of tie-in and loose steamed stuffed bun, mouthfeel is admirable.
  • Shrimp dumpling: Handpick delicacy shrimp is stuffing makings, leather thin stuffing is full, qing Dynasty is sweet goluptious.
  • Lotus leaf cake: Cake of renown lotus leaf, the exterior is sweet fragile, inside stuffing is delicious, those who arrange dweller of heart this locality love.

How to savour suitable heart cate

Want to savour suitable heart cate truly, must head for characteristic dining-room of place or snack bar, the masters of these places just can make pure cate, let you experience the cooking glamour with suitable distinctive heart.


Strategy of suitable heart cate eats fastfood and extraordinary rich diversity surely, each appearance is fastfood having rich backside story and the distinctive technology that make. These cate are the dietary culture of suitable heart person not only, the history that is this city more and reflect humanitarianly. Hope you can adopt this strategy, have a good swim the ocean of Yu Shunde cate, savour the real fascination of local characteristic cate.

Thank you to read this article, the hope can be you to provide a few helps when suitable heart searchs cate.

