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  • 组织、管理全市各类教育考试工作,包括中小学教育的学业水平、学业水平等级性考试;
  • 组织、管理全市各类教育招生工作,包括中小学教育的升学考试、学前教育的入园考试等;
  • 管理全市学生资助工作,包括资助政策的宣传、资助对象的认定和资助资金的发放等;
  • 管理全市教育系统的学籍管理工作,包括学生档案管理、学籍异动管理等;
  • 组织、管理全市教育系统人员资格考试和招聘考试,包括教师资格考试、教师招聘考试等。



  • 提供教育考试服务,包括报名咨询、考试安排、成绩查询等;
  • 提供招生服务,包括招生政策解读、招生计划公布、招生信息发布等;
  • 提供学生资助服务,包括资助申请指导、资助项目解读、资助资金发放等;
  • 提供学籍管理服务,包括学籍办理咨询、学籍证明开具等;
  • 提供教师资格考试和招聘考试服务,包括考试大纲发布、成绩通知公布等。






Shijiazhuang teachs exam courtyard brief introduction

Courtyard of Shijiazhuang education exam is the exam that is in charge of Shijiazhuang city teaching a system the professional department that the job, recruit students job, student funds the job such as exam of job of management of the job, one's status as a student and qualification of educational system personnel and exam of invite applications for a job.

Shijiazhuang teachs the main responsibility of exam courtyard

Shijiazhuang teachs the duty of exam courtyard to basically include:

  • Exam of of all kinds education of whole town of organization, management works, sex of grade of the school work level that includes education of middle and primary school, school work level takes an exam;
  • Recruit students of of all kinds education of whole town of organization, management works, the examination of enter a higher school that includes education of middle and primary school, exam entering garden of preschool education;
  • Manage whole town student to fund the job, the conduct propaganda that includes to aid financially policy, cognizance that aids financially an object extends with what endow fund etc;
  • The government of one's status as a student that runs whole town to teach a system works, include management of student archives management, transaction of one's status as a student to wait;
  • Exam of qualification of personnel of system of education of whole town of organization, management and invite applications for a job take an exam, include exam of pedagogic qualification exam, pedagogic invite applications for a job to wait.

Shijiazhuang teachs the main service that exam courtyard provides

Shijiazhuang teachs exam courtyard to provide the following and main service for broad citizen:

  • Provide educational exam service, include to sign up seek advice, inquiry of exam arrangement, achievement;
  • Provide recruit students service, include recruit students policy to unscramble, recruit students plans to announce, recruit students information is released etc;
  • Offer a student to subsidize a service, include to aid financially application directive, aid financially a project to unscramble, aid financially capital to extend etc;
  • Provide service of government of one's status as a student, include one's status as a student to deal with seek advice, one's status as a student proves to open etc;
  • Provide pedagogic qualification exam and service of exam of invite applications for a job, include exam outline to release, achievement announcement is announced etc.

Shijiazhuang teachs the newest trends of exam courtyard

The near future, educational exam courtyard released Shijiazhuang to inform about what exam of qualification of teacher of middle and primary school planned 2022 and exam of level of school work of average 2022 high school arranges. In the meantime, to ensure to the success that the exam works is taught during epidemic situation, courtyard of Shijiazhuang education exam still released epidemic situation to prevent during accusing, examinee signs up and take an exam the announce of relevant item.

Teach the duty of exam courtyard, service and newest trends through understanding Shijiazhuang in the round, the citizen is OK more get relevant education conveniently exam, recruit students, aid financially the message that runs with one's status as a student, be participated in better and enjoy education serve related the exam, implementation individual develops and teach a target.

Thank you to read the article, hope you can get useful information and help from which.

