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1. 培养独立性: 在适当的情况下,让宝宝自己尝试解决问题,例如穿衣、整理玩具等,可以促进他们的自信心和独立思考能力。

2. 注重情感交流: 鼓励宝宝表达情感,倾听他们的心声,让他们知道任何情绪都是可以被理解和接纳的。

3. 塑造良好习惯: 均衡饮食、规律作息、良好的个人卫生习惯等,都是需要在这个阶段培养的重要品质。

4. 提供适当的挑战: 适时给予宝宝适应性的挑战,可以促进他们的学习和成长,提升自信心。

5. 保持耐心和爱心: 在宝宝总是测试边界、寻求注意力的时候,父母需要保持耐心和理解,以爱心来引导他们的行为。





Meet middle shift baby

What middle shift darling points to normally is 3-4 year old the child, this phase is darling cerebra the crucial period of rapid growth, also be to begin to establish gregarious skill, affection management and the important level with cognitive ego.

Yo of middle shift darling point

1.Develop independent character: Below suitable case, let him darling try to solve a problem, dress for example, arrange a toy to wait, the self-confident heart that can promote them and independence ponder over ability.

2.Pay attention to affection communication: Encourage darling to express feeling, listen attentively to their aspirations, let them know what be understood and admit to any moods are OK.

3.Model good convention: Work and rest of balanced diet, law, good individual sanitation convention, it is the main character that need develops in this phase.

4.Provide proper challenge: Timely the challenge that gives darling adaptability, the study that can advance them and grow, promote self-confident heart.

5.Retain patience and love: Always check border in darling, when seeking attention, parents needs to maintain patience and understanding, will guide their behaviour with love.


In middle shift phase, the grows to cannot leave parents with development care of darling and guidance. Hope these suggest to be able to help you take care of middle shift darling better, accompany them to grow healthy and happily.

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