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  1. 均衡营养:合理搭配蛋白质碳水化合物脂肪,确保每餐都有代表性的三大营养素。

  2. 定量摄入:根据自身的身体状况、运动强度和目标定量摄入营养素,避免过量或不足。

  3. 补充水分:保持足够的水分摄入,促进新陈代谢,预防脱水。

  4. 多元化食物:多食用新鲜食材,保证摄入多种维生素和矿物质。

  5. 控制饮食时间:合理安排早餐、午餐和晚餐的时间,避免暴饮暴食。



  1. 早餐:早餐是一天中最重要的一餐,可以适量摄入全麦面包鸡蛋牛奶和水果。

  2. 午餐:午餐应当包括一定量的蛋白质,如鸡肉、鱼肉,搭配适量的蔬菜和粗粮。

  3. 晚餐:晚餐应当控制蛋白质的摄入量,并增加蔬菜和水果的摄入,避免高热量的食物。

  4. 加餐:根据自身情况添加两餐加餐,可以选择一些坚果、酸奶或水果等低热量食物。





The dietary principle of gymnastical abecedarian

For the abecedarian that begins fitness to wanting, scientific and reasonable food is very important. Before beginning program fitness food, want to understand the basic principle of gymnastical food above all, include:

  1. Balanced nutrition: Reasonable and tie-inProtein, CarbohydrateAndAdipose, ensure every eat has representative 3 big nutriment.

  2. Ration absorbs: Intensity of the body state according to oneself, motion and target ration absorb nutriment, avoid excessive or inadequacy.

  3. Compensatory moisture: Maintain enough moisture to absorb, stimulative metabolism, prevent dehydration.

  4. Diversity food: Much edible is fresh feed capable person, assure to absorb a variety of vitamins and mineral.

  5. Dominate dietary time: The time of reasonable arrangement breakfast, lunch and dinner, avoid to eat and drink too much.

The food of gymnastical abecedarian suggests

After mastering basic dietary principle, gymnastical abecedarian can plan according to the following proposal oneself food:

  1. Breakfast: Breakfast is the mainest meal in a day, OK and right amount absorbWhole wheat bread, Egg, MilkWith the fruit.

  2. Lunch: Lunch ought to include certain amountProtein, be like chicken, cruelly oppress, tie-in and right amount vegetable and coarse food grain.

  3. Dinner: Dinner ought to control protein intake, increase vegetable and fruity to absorb, avoid tall caloric food.

  4. Add meat: Add two eat to add meat according to oneself circumstance, can choose the food of low quantity of heat such as a few nut, yoghurt or fruit.


Adopt scientific dietary program, gymnastical abecedarian can support him better take exercise, it is better to achieve exercise the effect. Reasonable nutrition is absorbed conduce to the bodily form that models ideal not only, still can reduce wounded risk, raise fitness. Accordingly, abecedarian is in gymnastical process, ought to pay attention to scientific sex of food and rationality.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can think you start in fitness level provides a few helps and reference.
