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The log lubricious series of nature floor

Nature floor, regard a floor as one of well-known trademarks of the industry, floor of its log lubricious series suffers consumer to love fully. Floor of log lubricious series uses natural lumber to make, withheld the natural grain of log and colour and lustre, let a person as if place oneself at nature in.

The making craft of log lubricious floor

The log lubricious floor of nature floor is a course masterly craft is machined and become. Above all, the natural lumber with high quality concentration, the course is dry, cut into parts cut, the much talk working procedure such as nap, ensure lumber quality of a material is pure, foreign matter is little. Next, use the advanced technology that make, if do type craft and laser cut craft, the quality of a material that assures a floor and dimension essence are accurate. Finally, wait for working procedure through outfit of burnish, besmear, make log lubricious floor presents the luster that gives nature and exquisite feel.

The characteristic of log lubricious floor

Log lubricious floor is paid close attention to extensively with its distinctive glamour and superior performance. Above all, its are natural lumber material decided the floor has natural grain and color character, each floor is unique. Next, those who use is environmental protection material, accord with standard of national environmental protection, do not contain the harmful material such as formaldehyde, to free from contamination of indoor air quality. In addition, log lubricious floor has taller wearability and compression sex, service life is long, maintain easily and clean, can bring sweet and comfortable atmosphere to household space.

As a whole, the floor of log lubricious series of nature floor, not only shirt-sleeve the original sense of beauty of nature, and have outstanding wearability and environmental protection property, it is the good choice that contemporary household decorates.

Thank you to read the article, hope the making technology that understands log lubricious floor to you and characteristic are helped somewhat.
