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1. 贴近自然的色彩搭配


2. 合理的家具布局


3. 舒适的照明设计


4. 简约而精致的装饰品


5. 舒适的软装搭配





The sitting room designs a principle

The sitting room serves as the main room of domesticity, its design should be paid attention to not only beautiful, need a consideration more practical with easy measurable. Want to make a comfortable sitting room vacuum, need is abided by the following recipe of 5 big designs.

1.The colour of nature of press close to is tie-in

In sitting room design, choose natural colour to be able to build a sweet and comfortable atmosphere. For instance, the gray with use tie-in depth and blue, furniture of natural perhaps green collocation woodiness, can add natural flavor for the sitting room. Should avoid on colour collocation too the color of dazzling, lest cause visual exhaustion.

2.Equitable furniture distribution

The layout of sitting room furniture should consider use space and visual aesthetic feeling. According to the habits and customs of the real volume of the sitting room and domestic member, choose the furniture such as ark of appropriate sofa, tea table, TV, reasonable decorate, go to the lavatory to be used daily already, do not appear constraint again. Want the mobile space with enough put apart at the same time, do not let furniture put appear crowded.

3.Comfortable illume is designed

Illume is the main factor with measurable easy of influence sitting room. In sitting room design, should the collocation of mature natural light and artificial light, choose downy and bright light, in order to build comfortable atmosphere. Wall lamp or desk lamp can be added in a few corners, make illume of whole sitting room more balanced.

4.Contracted and delicate adornment

Adornment can add life flavor for the sitting room, but should avoid overmuch load one's writing with fancy phrases and mixed and disorderly, choose a few contracted and delicate adornment, if lamp of artistic painting, adornment, plant is potted,wait, can add administrative levels touch for the sitting room, do not appear multifarious at the same time. Do not ignore floral to decorate action, natural green can let a person produce cheerful mood.

5.Comfortable soft outfit is tie-in

Soft outfit is the indispensable part in sitting room design, the sofa that chooses comfortable softness, hold pillow and carpet in the arms, the easy that can promote whole sitting room is measurable. Want to pay attention to the alternative with simple material at the same time, avoid to choose easy decolour, easy tatty material is qualitative. On the foundation with measurable easy, the color of soft outfit and design also want the color photograph echo with whole sitting room.

When undertaking the sitting room is designed, 5 great secret of success can be above the household vacuum that you make a comfortable, warmth, let domestic member can loosen body and mind here, enjoy cheerful time.

Thank you to read the article, hope above content can live in sitting room design to bring a few helps for you.
