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1. 建立良好的沟通:父母应该倾听孩子的想法和感受,尊重他们的意见,并给予积极的回应。通过有效的沟通,可以增进父母与孩子之间的理解和共鸣,从而加强亲密关系。

2. 关注孩子的情感需求:父母要与孩子建立情感上的联系,关注他们的情感需求,给予情感上的支持和安慰。当孩子面临困难或挫折时,父母的陪伴和理解尤为重要。

3. 制定合理的家规:在家庭生活中,建立清晰的家规能够给孩子提供安全感和归属感,促进亲密关系的建立。家规的制定应当综合考虑孩子的成长特点和家庭的实际情况。

4. 分享愉快的时光:父母应当与孩子一起参与有益的共同活动,比如户外郊游、绘画、阅读等,共同度过愉快的时光,增进亲密感。





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Affinity is the most important affection link between parents and child, to the child grow to having far-reaching effect with development. Through building affinity, parents can guide the child better, promote their mental health and gregarious capability. The article will be unscrambled in detail for you how to foster affinity, aid you to become a more outstanding father and mother.

What is affinity?

AffinityIt is the close together, firm affection link that points to to be built between parents and child, include expression of the attaching on affection, affection and affection resonance among them. In affinity, parents can understand the child's demand and feeling, respond to what support them actively to grow.

The importance of affinity

Affinity is having important sense to growing development of the child. Above all, affinity can develop safe feeling of the child and trustful sense, make they are willing to share inner feeling and worry with parents more. Next, affinity can promote the formation of ego acknowledge of the child and proper pride, be helpful for them establishing healthy human relationship. In addition, consider to make clear, build good affinity with parents to the child's intelligence and affection business development has positive effect.

How to foster affinity

1.Build good communication: The think of a way that parents should listen the child and experience, respect their opinion, give positive response. Pass effective communication, the understanding between OK and promotional parents and child and resonance, strengthen affinity thereby.

2.Pay close attention to affection demand of the child: Parents should establish the connection on affection with the child, pay close attention to their affection demand, the support that gives affection to go up and comfort. When the child faces difficulty or setback, parental company and understanding are attached most importance to especially should.

3.Make sound domestic plan: In domesticity, the domestic plan that establishs clarity can offer safe feeling and attributive sense to the child, of stimulative affinity build. Of domestic compasses make the real case that ought to consider growing characteristic of the child and family integratedly.

4.Share happy days: Parents ought to participate in beneficial collective activity together with the child, for instance outdoors outing, painterly, read etc, spend pleasant time jointly, promotional and close feeling.


Carry above kind, parents can be fostered better with the affinity between the child, help their health grow. Wish each parents can be in Yo go more easily in the process, happier.

Thank you to read the article, hope these Yo the information of 100 divisions can bring a help for your parentage.

