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  • 制定科技发展规划:负责拟订本行政区域的科技发展规划,组织实施区域内的科技发展规划,并监督、检查执行情况。
  • 促进科技成果转化:推动科技成果转化为生产力,促进科技成果的市场化和产业化。
  • 加强科技创新资源整合:组织开展科技资源整合与创新链条的构建,促进各类创新资源要素的集聚和互动。
  • 推动科技服务体系建设:推进科技服务体系建设,促进科技资源向中小企业和基层延伸,加强科技对产业的服务功能。



  • 支持科技企业发展:加大对科技型企业和高新技术企业的扶持力度,推动企业技术创新和研发投入。
  • 加强科技创新平台建设:加大对国家和省级科技创新平台的支持力度,推动建设一批在国内有较强影响力的科技创新载体。
  • 推动科技成果转化:着力构建科技成果转化服务体系,加快科技成果向现实生产力的转化速度。
  • 深化科技人才培养:加强科技人才队伍建设,推动高层次创新人才的引进和培养。





Hall of Jiangsu science and technology is one of function branches of government of Jiangsu province people, devote oneself to to promote science and technology innovation, accelerate achievement of science and technology to change, assemble of resource of innovation of stimulative science and technology and construction of system of service of science and technology. As support Jiangsu saves the government that enterprise of science and technology expands and decision-making orgnaization, hall of Jiangsu science and technology is promoting innovation development, industry of the science and technology that help strength upgrades the respect is producing main effect.

The duty of hall of Jiangsu science and technology

The main responsibility of hall of Jiangsu science and technology includes:

  • Make science and technology develop a program: The science and technology that is in charge of drafting section of politics of one's own profession develops a program, the organization carries out the science and technology inside area to develop a program,
  • Achievement of stimulative science and technology is changed: Drive productivity of translate into of achievement of science and technology, of achievement of stimulative science and technology commercialize and industrialization.
  • Strengthen conformity of resource of innovation of science and technology: The organization begins the compose of conformity of resource of science and technology and innovation chain to build, the assemble that promotes element of resource of of all kinds innovation and interactive.
  • Drive science and technology to serve systematic construction: Advance science and technology to serve systematic construction, resource of stimulative science and technology is mixed to medium and small businesses basic level is outspread, strengthen science and technology the service function to the industry.

The working key of hall of Jiangsu science and technology

In recent years, hall of Jiangsu science and technology is driving industry of the innovation development, science and technology that help strength to upgrade respect, focusing the job of the following respects:

  • Company of supportive science and technology grows: Those who increase pair of science and technology enterprise and company of new and high technology give aid to strength, promote industry technology innovation and investment of research and development.
  • Strengthen construction of platform of innovation of science and technology: Increase the supportive strength of pair of countries and platform of innovation of provincial science and technology, drive the carrier of innovation of science and technology that construction has more powerful force one batch in home.
  • Drive achievement of science and technology to change: Exert oneself compose builds achievement of science and technology to change service system, accelerate gain of science and technology to actual productivity change rate.
  • Deepen skilled personnel education: Strengthen construction of skilled personnel team, urge talented person of innovation of high administrative levels introduce and foster.

Hall of Jiangsu science and technology supports in funds of policy of innovation of science and technology, research and development and the respect such as innovation resource conformity sends force continuously, promote science and technology the quality of innovation and benefit ceaselessly,

Pass an article, the hope can be mixed to the duty of hall of Jiangsu science and technology working key has a more comprehensive knowledge, understand its driving industry of the innovation of science and technology, science and technology that help strength to upgrade field place made contribution, and urge action to what enterprise of Jiangsu province science and technology develops.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can be you to be helped somewhat to hall of Jiangsu science and technology.

