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汝州教育网- 汝州市教育信息化发展的先行者英文双语对照


汝州教育网- 汝州市教育信息化发展的先行者英文双语对照





1. 教育政策解读: 汝州教育网及时更新全市各级教育政策,为教师、家长和学生提供政策解读和实用建议。

2. 教学资源共享: 汝州教育网建立了丰富的教学资源库,包括课件、教学设计、教学视频等,实现了教学资源的共享和互联互通。

3. 在线学习平台: 汝州教育网提供了在线学习平台,学生可以在家就能进行在线学习,同时老师也可以通过平台进行远程教学。






Your city teachs a net: Devote oneself to to make informatization teach new pattern

Your city teachs a net to regard you as the forerunner that informatization of state city education develops, devote oneself to to urge educational informatization construction, change tradition teachs mode, offer for broad teachers and students more convenient with efficient study and educational environment.

The website was offerred include to teach policy to unscramble, education natural resources is shared, a variety of services such as online study platform, aim to promote educational informatization and education photograph tie, offer for teachers and students more the study resource of diversity and advanced education concept.

Your city teachs the characteristic service of the net

1.Educational policy unscrambles: Your city teachs a net to replace policy of whole town various education in time, offer policy to unscramble for teacher, parent and student with practical proposal.

2.Education natural resources shares: Your city taught a net to build warehouse of rich education natural resources, include a tax, video of education design, education, realized education natural resources share and interconnection each other is connected.

3.Online study platform: Your city taught a net to provide online study platform, the student can be in the home to be able to undertake online study, at the same time the teacher also can have long-range teacher and student through platform.

Your city teachs the development foreground of the net

Net of your city education regards you as the bibcock website of informatization of state city education, will continue to devote oneself to informatization to teach construction, perfect each service stage by stage, raise those who teach informatization to popularize a level, drive your state city to teach a career to march toward digitlization, intelligence to change development.

Through you the city teachs a net, aux will be able to of broad teachers and students gets educational resource more conveniently quite, learn brand-new education way, the modernization that implements education and intelligence are changed, the development infuse that for you state city teachs a career is powerful motivation.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, believe through you the city teachs a net, you will know climate of the development existing state of affairs that to you state city teachs informatization and future better, bring more advantage and help for education and study.

