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Poster of children health safety is the important way that help children enhance safe consciousness and healthy knowledge. Make a vivid and interesting poster, need to draw the attention of children not only, also need to communicate at the same time mix correctly significant information. The article will be discussed how to make poster of vivid and interesting children health safety.

Choose a theme

Above all, deciding a suitable theme is the first pace of poster of safety of health of the children that make. The theme ought to spread out around children health and safety cheek by jowl, for instance knowledge of safety of dietary health, transportation, fire prevention. When choosing a theme, want to consider the daily life of children and learning environment, choose them to understand easily with practical theme.

Design conception

After deciding a theme, undertake designing conceiving with respect to need next. Can consider to use bright-coloured colour and lovely figure to draw the attention of children. Pass the picture of simple palpability and graphic representation, let children can understand poster wants the information that transmit. In addition, still can add a few interesting elements, block content of a person of wide knowledge and sound scholarship or animal for instance, in order to increase interest sex.

Content weaves

The content of poster of safety of health of the children that make ought to concise palpability, accord with children acknowledge level. Apply literal specification appropriately, elaborate health and safe knowledge legibly simply, cooperate picture or graphic representation to deepen impression at the same time. If be in food safety theme, can explain with clear graphic representation correct food deposits means, avoid food metamorphism.

Painterly material

Choosing the stuff that fits children brushwork also is the crucial step of the poster that make. Can choose propylene dye or watercolors, these painty color are full, easily daub, can show a vividder result. In the meantime, the option that draws paper is very important also, ought to choose the drawing paper that suits brushwork, for instance thick and flowing paper, in order to ensure the quality of poster and endurance.

The process that make

Before beginning to draw, can draw the outline of the outline of a theme and basic structure simply, add detail and color gradually again next. The process of the poster that make can be happy experience, can invite children to be participated in together, let they understand better in made process and accept healthy and safe knowledge.


Make a vivid and interesting children health conception of choice of theme of consideration of safe poster need, design, content weaves, painterly material and the many respects such as the process that make. The proposal that hopes the article is offerred can help you be made vivid and interesting and the poster of children health safety of rich education meaning.

Thank you to read the article, hope these suggest to be able to help you make the children health that has appeal and educational sense more safe poster.

