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1. 遂宁鸡杂
遂宁鸡杂作为遂宁的特色小吃,香辣鲜香、味道独特。选用当地优质土鸡,配上丰富的调料,经过巧妙烹饪而成,吸引了无数食客前来品尝。 2. 遂宁豆花米线
遂宁豆花米线是当地人最爱的早餐美食,细腻爽滑的米线搭配鲜嫩豆花,再浇上特制的酱汁,清香扑鼻,回味无穷。 3. 遂宁水煮鱼






An added ingredient: Satisfy the brigade of peaceful cate

Be in Sichuan basin mid, the city that one is known as " of " the land of abundance --Could there be then. This city is having long historical culture not only, more famed with its rich and diversiform cate at the world. The article will take you to seek the story of backside of the cate that satisfy peace deep, uncover what secret nots allow to miss to could there be thenCate pop chart, let you sampling cate while, know the glamour place of this city better.

One, general situation of culture of the cate that satisfy peace

Visit one of important ground level town as Sichuan, satisfying peace is be worthy of the name from of oldOf cate. Its individual situation awaits a condition compatibly, be pregnant with the dietary culture of rich and colorful, shirt-sleeve a variety of gust such as plain dish, badge dish, Hunan dish, formed what have distinguishing feature alone to satisfy peaceful cate culture.

2, TOP3 of pop chart of the cate that satisfy peace

1.Satisfy peaceful chicken giblets
The chicken giblets that satisfy peace serves as the characteristic that coulds there be then fastfood, sweet hot delicacy sweet, flavor is unique. Choose chicken of local high grade earth, deserve to go up rich condiment, pass clever culinary art and become, attracted countless deadbeat to come round to sample. 2.The beans that satisfy peace spends rice line
Satisfying Ning Dou to spend rice line is the breakfast cate that local loves most, tie-in and fresh and tender beans spends the rice line that exquisite bright slips, irrigate again on tailor-made sauce, faint scent is tangy, the aftertaste is boundless. 3.The water that satisfy peace boils a fish
The fish of the water that satisfy peace that boil is sweet hot hemp is hot, cruelly oppress is tender slip delicious, soup juice is full-bodied and full-bodied, it is to satisfy a on peaceful table indispensable delicate.

3, block of the cate that satisfy peace

Want to appreciate the cate culture that coulds there be then truly, before mighting as well, go to could there be thenCate block, here collected shop of numerous and traditional meal, various cate have everything that one expects to find. Among them, east field of retail sales of street of cate of retail sales field, beautiful bridge is the person above average in block of the cate that satisfy peace, before attracting a large number of deadbeat everyday, will sample cate, experience thick local amorous feelings.

4, epilogue

Satisfy peaceful cate rich and colorful, each cate backside is having the story that attributes his. The hope passes the introduction of the article, you can be peaceful to satisfying cate has more thorough knowledge. Finally, thank you read, a few helps are brought in the brigade that hopes the article can think you are in the beauty that satisfy peace to feed.

