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  • 合理饮食:春季气候多变,容易引起人体的湿邪,因此饮食上应以清淡为主,多吃新鲜蔬菜水果,避免暴饮暴食。
  • 适度运动:春季宜选择气候温和、空气清新的早晨或傍晚进行户外锻炼,增强身体机能,预防疾病。
  • 保持室内通风:春季多雨潮湿,室内通风非常重要,可以有效预防感冒等呼吸道疾病。
  • 注意衣着保暖:春季气温多变,早晚温差较大,应根据气温变化及时增减衣物,避免受凉感冒。
  • 避免过度疲劳:春季万物复苏,但也是容易感到疲倦的时候,注意合理安排作息时间,避免过度疲劳。
  • 注意过敏原:春季空气湿度大,易滋生过敏原,特别是花粉过敏患者需做好防护工作。
  • 保持心情舒畅:春季宜保持心情舒畅,避免情绪波动过大,因为情绪不稳会影响身体免疫力。



Spring health lives: 7 little common sense let you be far from a disease

Spring is the season that one year changeful, disease sends mesoclimate easily, correct healthy life little common sense can help us be far from a disease, keep healthy. It is health of a few spring below life little common sense, hope to be helped somewhat to you.

  • Reasonable food: Spring climate is changeful, cause the Shi Xie of human body easily, because the Ying Yiqing on this food is weak,give priority to, eat fresh and vegetable fruit more, avoid to eat and drink too much.
  • Move moderately: The morning with gentle, fresh air or dusk have climate of spring appropriate choice outdoors take exercise, enhance body function, prevent a disease.
  • Keep indoor and ventilated: Spring is rainy and damp, indoor and ventilated special and important, can prevent the respiratory tract disease such as the cold effectively.
  • Notice dress heat preservation: Spring air temperature is changeful, difference in temperature of morning and evening is bigger, should change according to air temperature clothings of seasonable increase and decrease, prevent cold of catch cold catch cold.
  • Avoid excessive exhaustion: Spring everythings on earth anabiosises, but also be easy when feeling tired, note time of reasonable arrangement work and rest, avoid excessive exhaustion.
  • Notice allergen: Spring air humidity is big, yi Zisheng allergen, especially pollen allergy patient needs to had been done defend the job.
  • Keep pleasurable: Spring appropriate keeps pleasurable, avoid a mood to had fluctuated big, because the mood is flabby,can affect body immunity force.

Life little common sense can help the spring health of hope above you spend a healthy and happy spring, let us be far from a disease together, enjoy good time!

