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1. 为什么天空是蓝的?

你是否曾好奇过为什么天空是蓝的?其实,这一现象是由 光的色散引起的。在大气中,紫外光、蓝光和绿光比红光短波长,因此受到气体分子的影响更大,更容易向周围扩散,而蓝光的波长比紫外光稍长,因此在天空中呈现出蓝色。

2. 为什么冬天容易发生静电?

在寒冷干燥的冬季,由于空气湿度低,导致了物体表面缺电子,因此在摩擦时易产生静电。这也是为什么在冬天,我们经常在碰到金属物体或者其他人时感受到 静电的电击。

3. 为什么镜子里的图像是左右翻转的?


4. 为什么要把手机放飞机模式?

手机发射的 无线电信号可能会干扰飞机上的无线设备,因此飞行时需要将手机设置为飞行模式,即关闭所有无线电功能,以确保飞行安全。

5. 为什么汽车雨刷在雨天起雾?

这是因为汽车雨刷在移动过程中产生了 热量,当遇到冷雨时,雨水落在热的雨刷上会迅速蒸发,形成雾气,从而影响视线。

6. 为什么太阳能充电宝在阴天也能充电?

太阳能充电宝通过太阳能电池板将光能转换成电能,即使在阴天,依然有一定程度的 散射光可被光电池板吸收并转换成电能,因此也能进行充电。

7. 为什么室外冷冻食品解冻时间更短?


8. 为什么相机的快门声音会变小?

相机的快门声音变小是因为 机械摩擦减小,随着技术的发展,相机制造商采用了更加先进的材料和技术,使得相机的快门运动更加平稳,摩擦减小,因此快门声音也相应变小。

9. 为什么鲸鱼能够在海洋中“唱歌”?

鲸鱼的“歌声”来源于其体内产生的 声波,它们通过振动鲸脂或者肌肉来发出声音,这种声音可以在海洋中传播很长的距离。鲸鱼“唱歌”的目的可能包括求偶、引领迁徙以及进行社交传递信息等。

10. 为什么飞机杯折断时会发出巨大声响?

当飞机杯折断时,由于 压力差及材料本身的特性,会产生巨大的声响。在这一过程中,材料快速断裂,空气快速充入导致了极大的声压差,造成了巨大的声响。




PhysicsThis science is research between material, energy and them the science of the rule of interaction, although we often do not realize possibly in daily life, but actually nowhere is not in physics. From the natural phenomenon that produces all round us, to products of all sorts of science and technology that we use, prop up from what do not open physics knowledge. In the article, we will announce a few common life little common sense, let you understand more and experience physics the main effect in daily life.

1.Why is the sky blue?

You whether ever does curiosity pass why is the sky blue? Actually, this one phenomenon is bySmooth chromatic dispersionCause. In atmosphere, ultraviolet light, Laguang and green light compare glow shortwave to grow, because this gets the impact of aeriform element is bigger, easier to all round diffuse, and La Guang's wavelengh is a bit longer than ultraviolet light, because this presents a blue in the sky.

2.Why incidental in the winter electrostatic?

In cold and dry winter, because air humidity is low, brought about object surface to be short of an electron, because this is easy when attrition generation is electrostatic. This also is why to be in the winter, we often are in come up against metallic object perhaps experience when someone elseElectrostaticelectrical shock.

3.Why does the left and right sides retroflexion the image in the mirror?

Reflection principle of the mirror brings about the image left and right sides in the mirror to retroflexion. When radial illuminate arrives on the mirror and be reflexed, left object will be corresponding the right to the mirror, the object of right will be corresponding the left to the mirror, because this brings about image,the left and right sides retroflexions.

4.Why to want handle machine to put plane pattern?

The mobile phone blasts offRadio signalMay violate the wireless facility on the plane, it is flight mode because of when this flies, needing to install the mobile phone, shut all radio function namely, in order to ensure the flight is safe.

5.Why is car rain brushed does fog have in wet?

Because car rain is brushed,this is arose in mobile processQuantity of heat, when encountering Leng Yu, the rain that rain falls in heat is brushed on can evaporate quickly, form mist, affect the line of vision thereby.

6.Why does solar energy charge can treasure also charge in the cloudy day?

Solar energy charges treasure carries a solar battery board change light energy into electric energy, although be in cloudy day, still have fixed rateScattering lightBut by photocell board absorb and change into electric energy, because this also can undertake,charge.

7.Why is time of defrost of the refrigerant food outdoor shorter?

Because refrigerant food is in outdoor in the environment with higher temperature,this is defrost, the temperature all round can deliver quantity of heat to food, accelerated the defrost rate of food thereby.

8.Why is the shutter sound of camera met decrescent?

Because,the shutter sound decrescent of camera isMechanical attrition is reduced, as technical development, camera manufacturer used more advanced material and technology, make the shutter motion of camera more smooth, attrition is reduced, because this shutter sound is corresponding also,change small.

9.Why can whale be in ocean " sing " ?

Cetacean " singing " originate of the generation inside its bodySound wave, they pass oscillatory blubber or muscle will sound, this kind of sound can transmit very long distance in ocean. Cetacean " sing " the purpose may include courtship, lead migrate and undertake socialization delivers information to wait.

10.Why can be tremendous noise given out when plane cup breaks off?

When plane cup breaks off, as a result ofPressure is poorReach the character of material itself, can produce tremendous sound. In this one process, material ruptures quickly, air is filled quickly brought about huge sound to press difference, caused tremendous noise.

Epilogue: Through understanding the physical phenomenon that these life middling see, believe you had had more thorough knowledge to physics. Physics not only in consist in textbook and lab, more press close to our daily life. Thank you to read the article, hope these little common sense can let you generate stronger interest to physics!
