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  • 制定并贯彻执行教育法律法规,落实国家教育方针政策;
  • 组织实施学前教育、义务教育、高中阶段教育、职业教育等各类教育工作;
  • 统筹谯城区学校布局和资源配置,推进校园安全工作;
  • 指导学校招生入学工作,推动教师队伍建设和专业发展;
  • 协调教育教学改革,推进教育信息化建设;
  • 开展教育督导和考核评估,加强教育督导力度。



  • 提升教育教学水平,推进素质教育,促进学生全面发展;
  • 深化教育领域改革,推动教育现代化,建设数字化校园;
  • 加强基础教育均衡发展,推动教育公平,提高农村和薄弱学校办学条件;
  • 优化教育资源配置,提高教师队伍整体素质;
  • 加强学校管理,营造良好的教育教学环境。





Qiao the city zone teachs bureau overview

Bureau of education of Qiao the city zoneIt is local education service, the Wu of educational management kimono inside limits of responsible Qiao the city zone works. Regard education as systematic controller and supervisor, bureau of education of Qiao the city zone devotes oneself to to promote the school educational quality all the time, stimulative education is fair, promote educational modernization process.

Qiao the city zone teachs the duty of the bureau

Regard education as service, Bureau of education of Qiao the city zoneduty covered many aspects, include but not be confined to:

  • Make and carry out laws and regulations of executive education law, implement policy of national educational policy;
  • The of all kinds education such as education of constituent executive preschool education, compulsory education, high school level, profession education works;
  • Plan as a whole layout of school of Qiao the city zone and resource configuration, advance campus security to work;
  • Enter a school of directive school recruit students works, promote pedagogic team construction and professional development;
  • Coordinate educational education reform, advance educational informatization construction;
  • Begin education to superintend and director guides and be assessed evaluate, strengthen educational superintend and director to guide strength.

Qiao the city zone teachs the working focal point of the bureau

In recent years, Bureau of education of Qiao the city zoneMany keys way is holding in teaching the job, promote the following work actively:

  • Promotion teachs education level, advance quality education, stimulative student develops in the round;
  • Deepen educational field reform, drive educational modernization, construction digitlizes campus;
  • Strengthen a foundation to teach balanced evolution, drive educational fairness, raise managerial requirement of country and fragile school;
  • Optimize configuration of educational natural resources, improve quality of pedagogic team whole;
  • Strengthen school administration, build favorable educational education environment.


Bureau of education of Qiao the city zoneTeach management department as the place, promoting educational enterprise development, improve educational quality, face of stimulative education fair square is producing indispensable effect. The hope passes indefatigable effort, the educational enterprise of Qiao the city zone will be greeted more good tomorrow.

Thank you to read the article, hope to understand youBureau of education of Qiao the city zoneHelp somewhat.

