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Culture " inbreak " different world: Pass through the wonderful brigade of culture obstacle

In recent years, the literary work of different world subject matter has be heated is discussed, and " article dissolve invades different world " more among them one of topics of fetching attention. From inside a lot of literature work we discover not hard, pass through in leading role in the story clue of different world, often exist " culture inbreaks " phenomenon, namely leading role led sense of tellurian culture, value and way of life different world, caused a series of interesting conflict and communication. This kind of set provided imaginary space not only, also caused the reflection to culture communication and collision.

Different world culture communicates: Discovery and conflict coexist

The culture in different world work communicates a clue, was full of novelty and stimulation already, also included discovery and strife. In the process that encounters with different world culture, leading role often can bring the level of earthly viewpoint of value, science and technology, element such as regime, cause a variety of interesting story clues thereby. In the meantime, this kind of communication often also can bring about culture to conflict, let leading role and different world dweller produce a lot of interesting debates and misunderstanding. This kind blends with collision, make a story more vivid and interesting.

Culture inbreaks: Contrast of viewpoint of value and think

In " culture inbreaks " in the clue of different world, the contrast of the earthly viewpoint of value that occurrence leading role of constant regular meeting brings and different world viewpoint of value. This kind of contrast was caused to the value sense between different culture, lifestyle think. In the environment of different world, the advantage that earthly culture place has and limitation are able to appear, also reviewed earthly culture itself conversely. This kind contrasts and think, make the clue that the reader is enmeshed in the story not only medium, also gained a few new knowledge to culture difference.


Culture communication is a lasting topic, and in work of different world subject matter " culture inbreaks " clue, abounded the imagination of work not only, also caused the development that we communicate to culture and collides to think. Carry these work, we or license know the challenge that culture difference place brings and pleasure with more thorough ground, also can look into the future of human civilization better.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the hope can bring you to communicate the distinctive glamour in literary work to culture through this article a few new think.

