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  • 浅草寺:作为东京最古老的寺庙之一,浅草寺不仅有壮丽的寺庙建筑,还有购物街和美食街,是体验传统和现代东京的绝佳地点。
  • 东京迪士尼乐园:无论是成人还是孩子,都能在这里感受到迪士尼的魔法与乐趣。
  • 新宿御苑:新宿御苑作为日本最著名的花园之一,四季各具特色,是欣赏美景和宁静的好去处。
  • 秋叶原:对于动漫迷来说,秋叶原是绝对不能错过的天堂,这里有许多动漫商店和主题咖啡厅。
  • 东京塔:登上东京塔,俯瞰整个城市的美景,尤其是在夜晚,令人难忘。



  • 在东京乘坐地铁是最方便的方式,购买JR Pass来节省交通费用。
  • 尊重当地文化和习俗,尤其是在拜访寺庙和神社时,需要注意着装和行为规范。
  • 尝试当地美食,比如寿司、拉面、天妇罗等,体验地道的日本美食文化。
  • 提前预订酒店,特别是在旅游旺季,以免出现住宿问题。
  • 学习一些简单的日语用语,能够更好地与当地人交流和求助。



Tokyo travel directory

Tokyo, it is Japanese capital, also be a town that fills contemporary glamour and traditional amorous feelings. For the tourist that heads for Tokyo to first time, the distance that knows a few basic message and travel proposal to will let you is mixed more smoothly happy. Tokyo will introduce below 20 go surely tourist attraction and a few proposals, help you plan better the journey.

Go surely tourist attraction

  • Shallow careless temple: Regard Tokyo as one of the oldest cloister, shallow careless temple has gallant cloister to build not only, still have shopping street and cate market, it is the superexcellent place that experiences tradition and contemporary Tokyo.
  • Tokyo enlighten person Buddhist nun Eden: No matter be adult or child, can experience Dishini's blackart and fun here.
  • New Su Yuyuan: New Su Yuyuan regards Japan as one of the famousest gardens, the four seasons has distinguishing feature each, it is appreciation beautiful scenery and quiet good place.
  • Double ended radius sleeker former: Overflow to moving fan for, double ended radius sleeker is the heaven that cannot miss absolutely formerly, here has a lot of moving to flood shop and thematic coffee office.
  • Tokyo tower: Ascend Tokyo tower, look down at the beautiful scenery of whole town, be in especially night, unforgettable.

Practical proposal

Besides visit go surely tourist attraction, you still need to understand a few practical journey proposals:

  • Be in Tokyo to take the subway is the most convenient way, buy JR Pass to save traffic cost.
  • Esteem place culture and consuetudinary, when visitting cloister and divine company especially, need is noticing outfit and behavior standard.
  • Try local cate, for instance birthday manages, play face, day Fu collect, experience pure Japanese cate culture.
  • Reserve a hotel ahead of schedule, travelling especially busy season, lest appear,lodge problem.
  • Learn a few simple Japanese choice of words, can communicate with local better and appeal.

Hope directory of this Tokyo travel can help you plan one unforgettable itinerary, wish you spend good time in Tokyo! Acknowledgment is read.
