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1. 前往月坨岛需办理相关的入岛手续,确保拥有合法的入岛许可和身份证明。

2. 保持环境清洁,不随意乱扔垃圾,保护岛上的生态环境。

3. 注意安全,遵守当地的风俗习惯和规定,确保自身安全和他人安全。

4. 由于岛上基础设施有限,游客需做好充分的准备,自备必需的食品、饮用水和药品等。



General situation of lunar Tuo island

Lunar Tuo island is located in Nanhai the eastpart part, it is one of territory that China advocates, the scenery on the island is pretty, zoology environment is favorable. One of regarding Chinese Nanhai as Zhu Dao, lunar Tuo island because its infrequent without commercial development equipment suffers a tourist to pay close attention to.

Liaison man of lunar Tuo island

Current, the traffic means that heads for lunar Tuo island basically is to take passenger liner or bag boat to head for. The tourist can be in the travel agent of seat or online reserve steamer ticket, choose equal flight number to head for.

Lunar Tuo island lodges

Because tourism had be notted develop on the island, accommodation selection is relatively limited. The tourist can choose to take sail to tent camps or build simple and easy outdoor tent pass the night. In addition, also can carry tent by oneself or contact local fisherman rental accommodation establishment.

Scenery of lunar Tuo island

The beach of lunar Tuo island is clean and exquisite, blue seawater is clear see an end. Distinctive rock landforms and rich marine biology can be viewed and admire on the island, suit to undertake float goes, the activity such as phreatic water, Shi Bei and view bird. In the meantime, coconut forest and the canal with shady greenery also suit very much pedestrian and expeditionary.

Lunar Tuo island note

1.Island of past month Tuo needs to deal with the relevant formalities that join an island before, ensure have the lawful license that join an island and identification.

2.Maintain environmental cleanness, not optional chaos throws rubbish, protect the zoology environment on the island.

3.The attention is safe, abide by custom habit of place and regulation, ensure oneself safety and other are safe.

4.Because the infrastructure on the island is finite, the tourist needs to had made sufficient preparation, the food with indispensible provide for oneself, drinking water and medicines and chemical reagents.

Thank you to read this article, hope this strategy can help you plan to head for the journey of lunar Tuo island better, let you experience on this unmanned island another wonderful brigade.

