秋季天气逐渐转凉,容易让孩子感冒。此时,保证孩子的睡眠质量尤为重要。建议 晚上早点入睡,确保每晚的睡眠时间不少于10小时。另外,要保持室内空气流通,适时开窗通风。
秋季室内空气干燥,易造成孩子呼吸道不适。为此,可使用 空气净化器,也可在室内摆放一些绿色植物,如吊兰、绿萝等,帮助净化空气。
秋季应避免给孩子食用过多寒凉食物,更应注重 多吃蔬菜水果,增加维生素摄入。可选择一些富含维生素C的食物,如柑橘、苹果等。
秋季阳光辐射仍然较强,而孩子的皮肤娇嫩易晒伤。因此,出门活动前应给孩子做好 防晒 工作,避免暴晒。同时,还需注意保暖,避免受凉感冒。
Fall weather turns gradually cool, let child cold easily. Right now, the Morpheus quality that assures the child is attached most importance to especially should. ProposalBreakfast falls asleep in the evening, ensure every night Morpheus time not less than 10 hours. Additional, want to maintain indoor airiness, timely a window is ventilated.
Autumn is indoor air is dry, easy cause child respiratory tract unwell. For this, can useAir purifier, also can put a few greenery indoors, wait like bracketplant, green trailing plants, the help purifies air.
Autumn should avoid to cross much colder cool food to child edible, should pay attention to moreEat vegetable fruit more, increase a vitamin to absorb. Can choose a few food that contain a lot ofvitamin C, wait like orange, apple.
Autumn sunshine radiate is stronger still, and the child's skin is delicate bask in easily. Accordingly, go out should have done to the child before the activityPrevent bask in The job, avoid to insolate. In the meantime, still need to notice heat preservation, prevent cold of catch cold catch cold.
Hope above these are small stick person can help parents ensure the child to be in better the health of autumn, make them happy grow.