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The Father (2020)


Take dementia - a truly horrific mental condition which affects millions of people worldwide. An important topic, for sure, but not necessarily the kind of thing you'd choose to watch a movie about after a hard day at work.


It's confusing. You wonder if you've missed something. You can't keep track of who's who, or what's what. Names and faces get mixed up. The timeline is unclear.


But, of course, this is precisely the point of The Father. Anthony's worsening dementia means that he can't get a grasp on what's going on around him.


"What I wanted to do was not tell the story from the outside, but the inside, and put the audience in an active position, as if they were in the main character's head,"


"I wanted The Father to be a bit more than a story, but like an experience, as if you [the viewer] were the one losing your bearings."


"It was so powerful, and so simple, so direct, so concise, so compact," he says. "I've been fortunate, in the last few years I've been involved with some wonderful films, but this was really unique."


Owen Gleiberman of Variety: "Hopkins is flat-out stunning. He acts, for a while, with grizzled charm and roaring certainty, but the quality that holds his performance together, is a cosmic confusion laced with terror. Anthony is losing more than his memory - he's losing himself."

《综艺》杂志的Owen Gleiberman评价:霍普金斯直接的表演直击人心。片中有一段,他表现出灰白头发的年长魅力以及气定神闲的自信。然而,真正将他的表演融合为一体的是那个恐惧与混乱交织的世界。安东尼失去的不仅是他的记忆,他在失去他自己。
