1. 言传身教: 亲子沟通是育儿的重要环节。家长们可以在短短的30秒内,用耐心的态度、亲切的语言,向孩子传递正能量和正确的价值观。
2. 创意游戏: 利用“等飞机”、“等公交”等碎片时间,与孩子进行简单有趣的互动游戏,例如数数看谁快、猜谜语等,培养孩子的逻辑思维和动手能力。
3. 教育引导: 在孩子开心的时候、准备上床睡觉的时候,家长可以简短地讲解一个小知识或者道理,潜移默化地启发孩子的智慧。
Modern life rhythm is fast, parents often feel time shorts. However, yo path be not certain need a large number of time are devoted. Contrary, through reasonable use brief 30 seconds time, also can undertake be taught effectively and be takinged care of to the child.
1.Teach by personal example as well as verbal instrution: Close child communicating is Yo important segment. Parents can be inside short 30 seconds, with patient manner, kind language, deliver to the child energy and true viewpoint of value.
2.Originality game: Use " wait for a plane " , " etc public transportation " wait for fractional time, have simple and interesting interactive game with the child, who does number of example exactly the number look fast, guess riddle to wait, the logic that rears the child thinks of peace keeping to start work ability.
3.Educational guiding: When the child is happy, when preparation goes to bed, the parent can explain a little knowledge briefly or truth, ground of exert a subtle influence on inspires the child's wisdom.
Pass 30 seconds Yo, parents can be in the clearance of the job, life, undertake effectively kissing child interactive, what stimulative family concerns is harmonious, promotional close child the feeling between, attend better in busy life the child.
The hope carries this article, let more parent understanding, reasonable use brief time, also can undertake be taught effectively and be takinged care of to the child, make Yo the job provides efficiency more.