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  • 制定教育政策: 依据国家和地方有关法律法规,制定当地的教育政策,推动教育工作的顺利实施。
  • 教育资源分配: 合理分配教育资源,确保各个学校、各个年龄段的学生都能够获得公平的教育资源。
  • 质量监控: 对教育教学质量进行全面监控,保障教育教学质量的稳步提升。
  • 师资培训: 组织开展教师培训和专业发展,提升教师的教学水平和专业素养。





Bo city teachs bureau brief introduction

Bureau of Bo city education teachs management department as the place, the education that is in charge of supervise and urge and running Bo city district works, include each levels such as preschool education, compulsory education, medium profession education and higher education. Its duty covered each aspects in teaching the job, include curricular setting, persons qualified to teach to groom, education quality monitoring and school administration.

Bo city teachs the mission of the bureau

The mission of bureau of Bo city education is to promote educational reform, improve educational quality, stimulative education is fair, the student that help strength develops in the round. The respect is reformed in education, bureau of Bo city education is being explored ceaselessly all the time and carry out, promote whole education systematic efficiency and quality hard.

Bo city teachs the duty of the bureau

Bo city teachs the main responsibility of the bureau to include:

  • Make educational policy: Basis country and place concern legal laws and regulations, make educational policy of place, those who promote educational work is successful carry out.
  • Educational resource allocation: Reasonable allocation educational natural resources, ensure each each schools, ages paragraph the educational resource that the student can obtain fairness.
  • Quality monitoring: Undertake comprehensive monitoring to teaching education quality, ensure those who teach education quality to promote steadily.
  • The persons qualified to teach grooms: The organization begins a teacher to groom develop with major, promote pedagogic education level and professional accomplishment.

Bo city teachs the development of the bureau and future to look into

Future, bureau of Bo city education will continue to deepen educational reform, promotion teachs quality, stimulative education is fair. Driving modernization of quality education, stimulative education, compose to build the aspect such as more fair and sound education system, bureau of Bo city education will be explored ceaselessly, innovate ceaselessly, ceaseless on the road that serves society of teachers and students, service before row.

Thank you to read the article about bureau of Bo city education, the hope carries this article, you teach the working duty of the bureau and development to look into to Bo city had more thorough knowledge.

