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  • 1. XXX酒家 - 粤菜餐厅,以正宗的广府菜闻名,招牌菜包括烧味拼盘、白切鸡、脆皮炸子鸡等。
  • 2. XXX小吃店 - 提供当地特色小吃,如肠粉、猪肠粉、叉烧包等,口味地道,价格实惠。
  • 3. XXX海鲜酒楼 - 擅长制作新鲜美味的海鲜,推荐必尝的菜品包括清蒸珍珠斑、蒜蓉蒸生虾等。
  • 4. XXX点心店 - 是一家历史悠久的传统早茶店,供应各式地道粤式点心,其中流蘇包、流沙包倍受食客喜爱。
  • 5. XXX老字号餐厅 - 有着几十年的历史,传承着正宗的粤菜制作工艺,招牌菜有羊腩煲和鱼头豆腐。





The attractive glamour of Guangzhou cate inn

Guangzhou, regard China as cate, having the cate culture of rich diversity from of old. In this city, can taste the pure glamour of dish of savor another name for Guangdong Province not only, still can appreciate the amorous feelings with numerous fastfood characteristic. The street with bristly shop on the road, under cover the cate shop with a lot of terrific public praise, attracting deadbeat people come round to sample in succession.

Recommend cate inn TOP5

Be in Guangzhou, want to appreciate the glamour of cate truly, sure cannot miss below inn of these 5 cate:

  • 1.XXX wineshop - dining room of food of another name for Guangdong Province, with dish of authentic vast seat of government famed, fascia dish includes to burn flee in terrorfry in deep fat or oil of chicken of flavour assorted cold dishes, Bai Qie, crackling child chicken.
  • 2.XXX snack bar - offer local distinguishing feature fastfood, the pink that be like bowel, pig bowel pink, fork burns a bag to wait, taste tunnel, price material benefit.
  • 3.XXX seafood wine shop - the seafood that is good at making new delicious ingredient, recommend the dish that tastes surely to taste include to steam evaporate of Chengdu of pearl spot, garlic to give birth to shrimp to wait.
  • 4.XXX pastry shop - it is the inn of tradition early tea with a long history, supply mug-up of type of various and pure another name for Guangdong Province, bag of its midstream Ta , wrap quicksand times suffer deadbeat to love.
  • 5.Dining-room of XXX old name - the history that having a few years, the dish of another name for Guangdong Province with authentic move makes inheritance craft, fascia dish has ovine Nan Bao and piscine head bean curd.

Savour the happy hour of cate

Walk into these cate inn, as if to be able to pass through days, experiencing the inheritance of historical precipitation and cate. These shop give deadbeat not only people those who brought the tip of the tongue to go up is cheerful, it is to continueing more the taste bud memory of a city.

Thank you to read the article, the hope carries this article, can bring you the more thorough knowledge to Guangzhou cate inn, the brigade of the cate that is in Guangzhou for you provides a few reference and help.

